Some Aspects of the A-APRP-GC

Our Vision

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC)/ Parti de la Revolution Populaire Africain de Guinee, A-APRP(GC) / PRPAG, envisions a politically conscious and revolutionary African People liberated, happy, at peace within themselves and with others, in control of our land Africa and its resources, and of our lives, wherever we are scattered in the world. We envision African People living life free from war and death, dispersion and disease, division and tribalism, landlessness and poverty, exploitation and oppression, opportunism and treachery, confusion, and chaos. We envision African People re-establishing our rightful place in World Humanity, interacting with the Peoples of the World with the dignity and respect accorded us as a result of our contribution to World Civilization through our African Personality and Culture.

We envision an African society where African women have the same opportunities as men to reach their fullest chosen potential and aspirations. We envision African children and youth with the ability not only to dream, but knowing their dreams are realizable in their lifetime. We envision African elders living with the dignity and respect accorded them based on a life of service to African People and World Humanity. We envision an Africa with the labor, technical and productive capacity to address all of the material, cultural, and spiritual needs of African People and because of our collectivist, humanist, egalitarian and socialist principles offer our labor, technology, skills, and resources to the World. We envision an Africa liberated from neo-colonialism and neo-liberalism, from capitalism and imperialism, governed by the will of the People, where the government is merely an extension and instrument of the People realizing their noble and just goals and aspirations.

We envision a World without racism and zionism, where the oppressed People of Palestine, the Arab Nation, the Middle East, and all other victims of racist and zionist aggression are liberated from racist and zionist violence, occupation, and oppression. We envision a World where all Nations and Peoples under occupation, colonialism, settler-colonialism, and neo-colonialism, established by imperialism, have been liberated such as the Irish of Ireland, the Original Peoples of the Western Hemisphere, the Aboriginal people of Australia, etc.

We envision a World where all Oppressed Peoples have returned to and reclaimed all of their ancestral lands and are living, as they choose, in harmony with their traditional and modern ways of life and practicing their culture in the land of their Ancestors and their Children. We envision a World with a community of Nations in Africa, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, and North America, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Asia and the South Pacific working together in harmony and living in solidarity and unity, all recognizing the interconnectedness and indivisible struggle for an eternal and ever improving quality of life, peace, and happiness for all Nations and Peoples. We envision a World without capitalist and imperialist oppression and exploitation! It is this vision that the A-PRP(GC) / PRPAG, organizes, fights, struggles, sacrifices, and suffers to make real, in our children’s, grandchildren’s, great-grand children’s, or great-great-grand children’s lifetime.

Our Mission

The A-APRP(GC) / PRPAG is a revolutionary Pan-Africanist socialist party whose mission is to politically educate and organize the scattered, suffering, yet struggling African Masses worldwide. We accept, as a historical fact and reality, that all persons of African descent, wherever we are scattered in the World, are African, and belong to the African Nation. We understand that class struggle is the motive force of our struggle for scientific socialism in Africa and the World and that the scattering of Africans all over the World and our untold suffering is due to the capitalist/imperialist system. The Masses of African People must be politically educated and organized. Mass, Revolutionary ideology and political organization are weapons of the Oppressed!

The political education and organization of the African Masses is for the expressed purpose of alleviating our suffering from the hands of the capitalist/imperialist system of exploitation. We understand that this suffering will find its resolution in the revolutionary process to fight for and with the establishment of a United States of Africa under a socialist government, i.e., Pan-Africanism – the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism. (Kwame Nkrumah, Class Struggle in Africa, page 88). Our mission is not only for Africa and her scattered Children; it is in addition to make our contribution to alleviate the suffering of all Peoples of the World who are also victims of capitalism, zionism and imperialism.

The A-APRP (GC) / PRPAG is a revolutionary Pan-Africanist socialist party whose mission is to rehabilitate the African Personality and Culture. We understand that racism, as a philosophy of capitalism/imperialism, has promoted the idea that the African Personality, History, and Culture are worthless, not to be appreciated, and not to be valued or practiced. We know that capitalism/imperialism has imposed this idea with its ruthless, vicious, and immoral propaganda, economic exploitation, national, class and gender oppression. Imperialism has presented Africa to the World as being a country and continent of beggars who can do, and want to do nothing, material or immaterial, for themselves, and for Humanity.

The A-APRP(GC) / PRPAG seeks to reclaim and restore the historical truth about Africa, our History, and contributions to World Civilization and to reposition the African Personality, History, and Culture back into its rightful place in the World as well as respect other People’s Revolutionary Personality, History and Culture as well! We affirm Sekou Toure’s proclamation,

Revolution is an Act of Culture!”

Nkrumahism-Toureism: Our Ideology

The Africa which exists today, on the Continent of Africa and in the African Diaspora, as well as the one we are struggling to build is not the old Africa, but a new emergent Revolutionary society; a socialist society in which a new harmony, a new cohesiveness, a new Revolutionary African Personality, a new humanity, and a new dignity is forged out of the traditional African way of life which has been permanently changed by thousands of years of Euro-Christian and Islamic intrusions and by the historical development of the competing and conflicting slave, feudal, capitalistic and newly emergent socialist modes of production.

Kwame Nkrumah underlines its importance, “the ideology of a society is total. It embraces the whole life of a people, and manifests itself in their class, [national and gender] structure, history, literature, art, and religion.” (Kwame Nkrumah, Consciencism, page 59). A Revolutionary and Pan-African socialist ideology is therefore required. It must root itself in the history and culture of Africa. For us, that ideology is Nkrumahism-Toureism, we believe, the correct ideology for the African Revolution. We cannot overstate the importance of Revolutionary ideology.

Nkrumahism-Toureism takes its name from the consistent, revolutionary, scientific socialist and Pan-African principles, practices and policies followed, implemented, and taught by Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure and Kwame Ture; three of the foremost exponents and practitioners of the scientific strategy to liberate and unify Africa, and all African People in every corner of the World, under scientific socialism. These principles, practices and policies are recorded in their speeches, writings, actions, contributions, achievements, and lives. They must be read, studied, analyzed, and implemented.

In a larger and more complete sense, Nkrumahism-Toureism is a product of Africa’s history and culture, the result of the accumulated practical and theoretical contributions and achievements of centuries and generations of mass, revolutionary Pan-African and larger socialist struggles. Nkrumahism-Toureism is a way of life! It directs it adherents to place the need of the People over money and material wealth and establishes revolutionary ethics and morality for how we engage each other and fight the enemy in the African Revolution. It highlights and underscores the need for the absolute emancipation of African women as African women have suffered triple oppression, politically, economically, and by men imbued by and with the sexist ideology of capitalism.

Nkrumahism-Toureism is grounded in the science of Revolutionary mass struggle, as it is applied to Africa, to the almost 1 billion people of African descent who are scattered, suffering, and struggling in every corner of the World. It philosophically and ideologically defines, incorporates, and synthesizes three distinct historical experiences that have impacted and define Africa and Her Children worldwide: Traditional Africa, Euro-Christian Africa, and Islamic Africa. Nkrumahism-Toureism’s concrete living example is to be found in the creative struggle, contributions, and achievements of African Revolutionaries to the African and International Revolutions.

Nkrumahism-Toureism provides the Masses of African People with aredeem,f uncompromising principles, a scientific, revolutionary, and Pan-African method of viewing Africa and the World; and a scientific methodology and set of analytical tools, which enable African People to correctly interpret, understand, redeem and reconstruct Africa, and make their revolutionary contribution to the redemption and reconstruction of the Oppressed World.

Nkrumahism-Toureism provides a complete social, cultural, political, philosophical and economic theory that constitute a comprehensive network of Pan-Africanist scientific socialist principles, beliefs, values, ethics, morals and rules, which guide our behavior, determine the form which our institutions and organizations, laws and rules will take; and acts as a cohesive force to bind us together, inspire us, guide and channel our revolutionary mass political action towards the achievement of Pan-Africanism and the inevitable triumph of scientific socialism.

Nkrumahism-Toureism includes, yet is not limited to the following undeniable axioms:

  • Africa is the only true and just homeland for Africans and persons of African descent no matter where in the World they may live.
  • Africa, and her People, from Cairo to Cape Town, and those in the African Diaspora, are One Nation, One diverse Culture, and One People.
  • Africa remains the primary focus of the political, economic, and cultural struggle for all Africans, at Home and abroad, in the struggle for Revolutionary Pan-Africanism, which includes scientific socialism.
  • Revolutionary politics must be addressed before we can solve the problems of economics and social services and Revolution is the only permanent solution to the problems of African People’s everyday lives, where reform is at best temporary, and incomplete.
  • Guinea, Conakry is a primary organizational, strategic, and ideological base for the Pan-African Movement. The A-APRP(GC) / PRPAG struggles to liberate Guinea, Conakry from neo-colonialism and neo-liberalism, rehabilitate it, restore it to its rightful place in the African and World Revolution, and reclaim its lost glory. We also, and simultaneously, support and defend other revolutionary bases in Africa and the World! We will work, study, struggle, and sacrifice in every zone, country, city, village, community, home, campus, church/mosque/synagogue, military barracks, or prison, wherever one African can be found in the World.
  • There is integrity and dignity in the Revolutionary African Personality and Culture. “The African Revolution is an Act of African Culture!”
  • Humanism – to treat each woman and man as an end in herself and himself and not merely as a means to someone else’s end. (Kwame Nkrumah, Consciencism, page 95).
  • Egalitarianism – It is the basic unity of matter, despite its varying manifestations, which give rise to egalitarianism . . . [M]an [and woman] is one, for all men [and women] have the same basis and arise from the same evolution according to materialism. This is the objective ground of egalitarianism. (Consciencism, page 96). [M]aterialism favours egalitarianism. (Consciencism, page 75).
  • Collectivism – By reason of its egalitarian tenet, Philosophical Consciencism, seeks to promote individual development, but in such a way that the conditions for the development of all become the conditions for the development of each; that is, in such a way that the individual development does not introduce such diversities as to destroy the egalitarian basis. (Consciencism, page 98).
  • Dialectical Materialism, Historical Materialism, and Philosophical Materialism are all ideological weapons to be used in the African Revolution and must be congruent and in their presence with Philosophical Consciencism.
  • A theory of Revolution that includes two fundamental zones of contestation in the World, enemy-held and liberated. Enemy-held zones are dominated by capitalism, imperialism, racism, zionism, neo-colonialism, neo-liberalism, and settler-colonialism. Liberated zones are zones where the Masses are politically conscious and organized, and are emancipated and consolidated through scientific socialism.
  • There remains an undeniable historical, socio-political, economic, and cultural role of religion in the service of the African Revolution.
  • The necessity for permanent, mass revolutionary Pan-Africanist socialist, ideological training, political education, organization, and action.
  • The African Masses are the makers of history and both the object and subject of the revolutionary process. The African Masses birth, nurture, train and defend revolutionary persons who play a particular role at each stage of the revolutionary process; and the African Masses bury them, honor them, and continue their legacy, their work, study, and struggle, when that time comes. This is an eternal and generational process.
  • African women are full and equal partners in the struggle to build revolutionary Pan-Africanism, which includes scientific socialism. We acknowledge the historical oppression and arrested development of African women who have suffered immeasurably in Africa’s history inside and outside of the movement for Pan-Africanism.
  • Scientific socialism is the only just political, economic, and democratic social system for a liberated and unified Africa, and for the World.
  • African youth, especially African students, are the mainstay of the African Revolution as they bring energy, enthusiasm, and an unquenchable thirst for a future that provides them an opportunity to realize their dreams and aspirations. They know that capitalism, racism, zionism, settler-colonialism, and neo-colonialism will never offer them anything except crumbs, if that.
  • No compromise or surrender with any form of corruption, political or gender oppression and economic exploitation in Africa and the World.

Principled and uncompromising solidarity with and support for all Revolutionary movements, parties, and governments, and all of Oppressed Humanity in every corner of the World.

Pan-Africanism: Our Objective

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC) / Parti de la Revolution Populaire Africain de Guinee recognizes that African People born and living around the World are one People, with one identity, one history, one culture, one Nation and one destiny. We recognize capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, settler-colonialism, neo-colonialism, zionism, racism, apartheid, and sexism, as one common multi-form and multi-faceted enemy. We suffer from poverty and powerlessness, disease and ignorance, homelessness, and humiliation, in every corner of the world, as a result of exploitation and oppression, corruption and opportunism, ideological confusion and organizational chaos. There is only one final solution to these problems, Pan-Africanism: the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism.

Pan-Africanism is rooted in generational struggle and history to build tribal and territorial states, empires, and civilizations, and to politically unify our people and continent. It is an evolutionary and revolutionary developmental historical process of African People, in Africa and abroad, moving from smaller to ever larger and qualitative modes of production with corresponding socio-political structures. The building and construction of Egypt, Nubia, Axiom, Ghana, Mali, Songhai, Monopotapa, Zimbabwe, Ethiopia, Congo, Angola, and tens of thousands of other political and socio-economic entities, attests to the fact that through our own creative genius following the laws of development African People created civilization to improve the quality of our life and demonstrated movement towards continental nation building. This indigenous process was interrupted through countless wars against European and Asiatic invasions, colonization’s, and dispersions.

The feudal slave traders and owners of Europe and the Americas, and their capitalist successors, sought to deny Africans from World humanity, stating we were divorced from history and devoid of culture. Africa, they blatantly lied, had created no civilization and thus we were outside of the process of World history and culture. Yet, as classes were indigenous to Africa and this process, so was the class struggle.

Socialist revolutionaries seek a complete and fundamental transformation of society and the abolition of privileged classes.”

Due to the immoral and murderous dispersion of Africans through more than millennia of European and Asiatic trade of enslaved Africans, there was an appearance that Pan-Africanism was solely a national “racial” struggle based on biological identity. Reactionary African intellectuals, and their patrons worldwide, attempted to promote these ideas to our People and thus diminish their enthusiasm for their history of struggle, culture, and land. Unfortunately, many progressive and revolutionary forces in the World have attempted to do the same. This ideological view attempted to divide the African Masses, between those North and South of the Sahara, and from those in the African Diaspora, and divorce Pan-Africanism from the international struggle to destroy capitalism, imperialism, and zionism and the fight for socialism. These reactionary African intellectuals drank from the same racist bourgeois well of the capitalist ideologues. A fierce ideological struggle was waged and Sekou Toure weighed in with his revolutionary experience, insight, and wisdom.

Sekou Toure, in a message sent to Tanzania, at the so-called 6th Pan-Africanist Congress, destroyed the intellectual myths of these reactionaries by making it clear that, “Pan-Africanism is henceforth the class struggle in Africa at the level of Africa and of her external branches. Being not conscious about it would be exposing ourselves to a confusion that imperialism would not miss exploiting. . . Is our friend, the great revolutionary of Cuba, Fidel Castro, not more hated by segregationists, fascists, than Black leaders who have become the accomplishes, the devoted and servile agents of those who exploit their brothers [and sisters] and ridicules cynically the rights of African Peoples?” (Ahmed Sekou Toure, Revolution, Pan-Africanism, and Culture, page 176-177).

Corruption, opportunism, confusion and chaos, material and immaterial, are enemies of Revolution. The A-APRP(GC) / PRPAG is crystal clear in our understanding that the Pan-African Movement is an integral part of the African and World Revolution and must remain inextricably linked to the international struggle against capitalism and imperialism and for socialism.

The A-APRP(GC) / Parti de la Revolution Populaire Africain de Guinee reaffirms that “the core of the Black Revolution is Africa and until Africa is united under a socialist government, the Black man [and woman] throughout the world lacks a National Home… (Accordingly), the total liberation and unification of Africa under an All-African Socialist Government must be the primary objective of all Black Revolutionaries throughout the world. It is an objective, which when achieved, will bring about the fulfillment of the aspirations of Africans and Peoples of African descent everywhere. It will, at the same time advance the triumph of the international socialist revolution.” (Kwame Nkrumah, Class Struggle in Africa, page 88).