ALD 2014

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)


Invites you to attend

African Liberation Day

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Festival Center

1640 Columbia Rd – Washington, DC

3:00 pm – 6:00 pm

“Smash the Neo-Colonialist Intelligentsia:

The True Face of the Counter-Revolution!”

African Liberation Day-2014, organized by the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC), under the banner Smash the Neo-Colonialist Intelligentsia: the True Face of the Counter-Revolution!” is dedicated to defining and assessing the alignment of political forces on our campuses, in our urban and rural areas, villages and communities in the present-day, worldwide uncompromising ideological and organizational struggle between the neo-colonialist intelligentsia, the true face of the counter-revolution and the revolutionary intelligentsia, the Revolution and counter-revolution.

It is a historic ALD in that we are seeking to galvanize and spearhead the struggle to identify, ally with, and unite the revolutionary forces within the Pan-African and the international socialist movements and to intensify the political struggle against the neo-colonialist intelligentsia and the counter-revolution.

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