The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) welcomes and encourages your interest in learning about our Party and your aspiration to become a Member—Cadre, Pre-Cadre or Supporter.
Membership—Cadre, Pre-Cadre and Supporter, in the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) is open to all Africans who come and are willing to study and struggle to understand, accept and live guided by our ideology Nkrumahism-Toureism, and to work and struggle for the realization of our objective Pan-Africanism – the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism, based on our revolutionary strategy. In addition, potential Members must come to understand and agree with our political line and policies and commit themselves to work, struggle and sacrifice within its structures to help Build the A-APRP (GC) and achieve our Pan-African objectives!
Membership in the A-APRP (GC) is a process of life-long, revolutionary political study and life-long, revolutionary political work. The A-APRP (GC)’s Process for Membership has two components: study and work, and four levels:
1. Orientation Process for Membership (Up to 6 Months of Study and Work)
2. Pre-Cadre Process for Membership (Up to 18 Months of Study and Work)
3. Support Process for Membership (Life-Long Support)
4. Cadre Process for Membership (Life-Long Study and Work)
Party study and work is primarily organized, where political conditions permit, through our worldwide network of Work-Study Circles—Cadre, Pre-Cadre and Supporters. This traditional form of political education is supplemented by our Online Party School. Materials posted on our site can be translated into 70 languages. They can also be downloaded and printed for free.
Level One: Orientation Process for Membership
The first step in the A-APRP (GC)’s Membership Process is joining, studying (more in-depth) and completing our Orientation Process for Membership, which is a 6-month process. After having completed this process of systematic study, it is our belief that you will be sufficiently informed as to whether the A-APRP (GC) is a revolutionary Pan-Africanist socialist party of which you want to become a Member.
The primary goal of the A-APRP (GC)’s Orientation for Membership Process is to provide ample information about the A-APRP (GC) for potential Members—Cadre, Pre-Cadre and Supporter, to make an informed decision as to whether you want to join the revolutionary struggle through reading, studying, working and sacrificing to build the A-APRP (GC) and through this process qualify yourself as a member of our revolutionary party.
In the process of completing this Orientation for Membership Process our objective is for potential members to develop a conceptual insight and understanding into the information and analysis provided in the Recruitment and Orientation Brochures #1 to 5 and other salient information. A more in- depth understanding will develop in the course of the study process and work as a Pre-Cadre and Support member.
A-APRP (GC) cadre, based on the quantity and quality of study, will make obvious that they have grasped a more thorough, complete, and qualitative understanding. This understanding will also be reflected in their work garnered in the life-long ideological and organizational process of Cadre Development. For the A-APRP (GC), Cadre development is an infinite process of reading, study, work, experience, struggle and sacrifice for the expressed purpose of developing ever higher levels of ideological understanding and commitment to the African Revolution and ever increasing quantities and qualities of thought and action, and responsibility as a cadre member working to “Build the A-APRP (GC)!”
Recruitment and Orientation Brochures #1 to 5 are the primary materials to be read, listened to, watched, studied, analyzed, and conceptually understood. Supplemental readings can be taken from sections of the Political Education Guidelines for Pre-Cadre and Cadre. Where possible the Recruitment and Orientation Brochures #1 to 5 should be discussed within the context of a collective orientation meeting, which will also constitute as an introduction to the A-APRP (GC) Pre-Cadre and Cadre Development process of political education.
Upon completion of the reading, study and where possible the collective discussion of the materials, all potential members must successfully complete the A-APRP (GC) Surveys prior to being acknowledged as a Pre-Cadre or Cadre member. The A-APRP (GC) Surveys will allow us to understand your level of understanding and insight into the essential questions needing to be understood to be admitted as a Pre-Cadre or Cadre member. The A-APRP (GC) Surveys can be done as many times as necessary until it is successfully completed.
At the completion of the orientation membership process all potential members should have a conceptual understanding of but not limited to the following:
- A conceptual understanding of the history of Africa from a national (African) and mass (Class) and gender (Women) perspective that points to and underscores the need for a mass based all-African led revolutionary struggle.
- A conceptual understanding of African People’s revolutionary Pan-Africanist history that led to the emergence of the A-APRP (GC).
- A conceptual understanding of the meaning and importance of the values, morals, ethics and principles that are the base of our philosophy, Philosophical Consciencism, which points to and helps define our ideology, Nkrumahism-Toureism, and determines our tools of analysis.
- A conceptual understanding of what defines the essence of the A-APRP (GC) meaning its core political positions and beliefs.
- A conceptual understanding of our objective, which is Pan-Africanism – the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism, a continental and Pan-African objective that in our analysis will lay the basis for the elimination of all forms of oppression and exploitation of African People in Africa and throughout the African world and will also contribute to the international struggle to destroy capitalism, imperialism, and zionism, and build socialist societies throughout the world.
- A conceptual understanding of our political program, which constitutes the core of our revolutionary work and that in our analysis, will advance the uncompromising struggle against what we understand to be our fundamental enemy, the capitalist and imperialist system and its allies of international control of the world’s resources and the exploitation of the world’s labor.
- A conceptual understanding of class struggle and what we also define as true enemies of African People, primarily (1) within our individual selves and (2) within the African Nation both in Africa and in the African Diaspora.
What is important for the A-APRP (GC) is that all potential members have enough information and a conceptual understanding of Recruitment and Recruitment and Orientation Brochures #1 to 5 to make an informed and conscious decision to become an active member of our revolutionary party. We do not take this decision, a life changing decision, lightly and we encourage all potential members joining the A-APRP (GC) to not to take it lightly either.
Under each topic within our Recruitment and Orientation Brochures, there are lists of questions to guide you to the information that will give the most complete conception of the ideology, political line and policies, program, allies, structure, rights and responsibilities of the A-APRP (GC).
For the A-APRP (GC), Cadre development is an infinite process of reading, study, work, experience, struggle, and sacrifice for the expressed purpose of developing ever higher levels of ideological understanding and commitment to the African Revolution and ever increasing quantities and qualities of thought, action, and responsibility as a cadre member working to “Build the A-APRP (GC)“.
Upon completion of the reading, study and where possible the collective discussion of the materials, all potential members must successfully complete the A-APRP (GC) Surveys prior to being acknowledged as a Pre-Cadre or Cadre member. The A-APRP (GC) Surveys will allow us to understand your level of understanding and insight into the essential questions needing to be understood to be admitted as a Pre-Cadre or Cadre Member. The A-APRP (GC) Surveys can be done as many times as necessary until they are successfully completed.
Registration and acceptance is required to enroll in the A-APRP (GC)’s Party School and join our Work-Study Community: Orientation, Pre-Cadre, Support and Cadre.
Level Two: Pre-Cadre and Support Process for Membership
You must complete Step One, request and be accepted for Membership, and register in order to be enrolled in the A-APRP (GC)’s Pre-Cadre and Membership Process.
Level Three: Cadre Process for Membership
You must complete Step Two, request and be accepted for Membership, and register in order to be enrolled in the A-APRP (GC)’s Cadre Membership Process.
E-Mail: – Voice Mail: (202) 246-4896