The A-APRP (GC)’s Recruitment and Orientation Brochure #1
Download Recruitment & Orientation Brochure #1
This literature is written to honor Kwame Nkrumah and the People of Ghana who valiantly fought British and United States imperialism culminating with the independence of Ghana, March 6, 1957. The independence of Ghana, the convening of the First Conference of African Heads of State in April 1958, and the convening of the All-African People’s Conference in December 1958, rooted Pan-Africanism back into its only true home, Africa.
This reprint represents the evolution and revolution in the thinking and practical experiences of the members of the A-APRP (GC) who continue along the path established by Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Toure, and Kwame Ture. It was reprinted on March 6, 2007, the 50th Anniversary of Ghanaian Independence. It will be updated and revised as our insight, work, and struggle in the African Revolution sharpen.
We thank you for your interest in learning more about the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC). This Recruitment and Orientation Brochure #1 provides an introduction to the A-APRP (GC)’s vision and mission; our ideology, philosophy, objective, political line and program; our members—cadre, pre-cadre and supporters; our party structures and affiliated mass organizations; our allies; our work and study; and how you can join, support or align with us.