Mission Statement
The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC), A-APRP(GC), founded the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (A-AWRU) as a revolutionary organization of African Supporter, Pre-cadre and Cadre women, internal to and functioning under Party direction. At the same time the A-AWRU is empowered with independence as a women’s organization within the Party and therefore the Party and the Union are inter-dependent. Unless you are a Supporter, to be a member of the A-AWRU you must first go through orientation and join the A-APRP(GC).
The A-AWRU’s primary charge is to be in the forefront of the political education of the A-APRP(GC) through the Nkrumahist-Toureist Institute and Party School on the Social Revolution. It must identify and fight to eliminate women’s oppression and leading to women’s emancipation, the nucleus of the African Revolution. The Social Revolution is critical to the ideological and organizational growth and development of the A-APRP(GC). The Social Revolution serves as a catalyst to intensify the ideological struggle, in and outside of the Party to establish humanist, egalitarian, collectivist and socialist human relations and to concretize these relations in the process to build the A-APRP(GC) to organize the African Revolution for the realization of Pan-Africanism.
It is our belief that the Social Revolution is an indispensable weapon of the nation-class struggle against capitalism, imperialism, women’s oppression and neo-colonialism – the last stage of imperialism, in Africa and throughout the African Diaspora. One of the primary mandates of the Social Revolution is the development of an African woman and man of conscience needed in the revolutionary socialist society that our People will build. Nation, class, and gender struggle are in essence one and the same. They are irrevocably connected.
The Social Revolution identifies and reconciles the multiple expressions of the oppressive and exploitative conditions, suffered by the various sectors of the African masses, under capitalism, and imperialism, including, colonialism, settler-colonialism, racism, zionism, and neo-colonialism, the last stage of imperialism. In this instance, the heart of the Social Revolution is on the oppression and emancipation of women. It is in the struggle for the emancipation and unification of Africa, Nkrumah suggests that African women, those in Africa and those abroad, assume their responsibility and would claim their own emancipation, he said,
“There is a great responsibility resting on the shoulders of all women of Africa and African descent. They must realize that the men alone cannot complete the gigantic task we have set ourselves. The time has come when the women of Africa and of African descent must rise up in their millions to join the African crusade for freedom. ” [Samuel Obeng. Editor. Selected Speeches of Kwame Nkrumah. Vol. 1: To Ghana Women and Women of African Descent, Baden Powell Memorial Hall, Accra, July 18, 1960.]
As Nkrumahist-Toureist women, the A-AWRU prioritizes its political work on the struggle to recruit and politically educate, ideologically develop, organizationally train, and assure full integration and participation Supporter, Pre-cadre and Cadre women into all structures and aspects of party building work. Women Supporters can volunteer for the type of work that they are most committed to completing.
The A-AWRU, as a revolutionary mass organization of African women, is an instrument of the A-APRP(GC) with the noble task of channeling, focusing, and organizing the energies of African women and Young Pioneers into the African Revolution with the objective of Pan-Africanism – One Unified Socialist Africa.
This charge and contribution is critical to the growth and development of the A-APRP(GC) in general and for the ideological, organizing and spiritual growth and development of Supporters, Pre-cadre and Cadre women in particular. Pan-Africanism is impossible without the total and complete emancipation of the African Nation. All Peoples of African descent whether they live North or South America and belong or in any other part of the World are Africans and belong to the African nation. [Kwame Nkrumah. Class Struggle in Africa, pg. 87.]
Pan-Africanism is mere idealist folly without the liberation of the People’s Class from neo-colonialism- the last stage of imperialism, national oppression, class exploitation, and in addition for African women, gender oppression. The eradication of all forms of oppression and exploitation worldwide is a cardinal principle of the A-APRP(GC) and therefore on the question of Social Revolution, including women’s oppression and emancipation, our revolutionary work continues until sectors of the People’s class of Africa and of oppressed Humanity are liberated. The A-APRP(GC) is clear that African women must have their own concrete ideological, political, cultural and organizational expression, which is the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union.
African women must lead the Social Revolution empowered to identify the crippling manifestations and effects of women’s oppression and lead our People in a revolutionary struggle to emancipate them from it. The Social Revolution is that feature of the African Revolution that brings clarity to and allows for the rectification of the ideological backwardness of men regarding women’s oppression and emancipation. The inequities that exist between men and women both in Africa and the African Diaspora must be resolved through Social Revolution driven by the internalization and practice of Nkrumahism-Toureism. It is evident that
“[w]omen must realize that as long as they do not stand up to exact and impose by themselves the respect of their personality and dignity; men will certainly continue to talk about the Social Revolution, whilst indulging, in fact, in counter-revolutionary practices as regards their relations with women.” [Ahmed Sekou Toure. Women in Society. p. 15.]
This is not to diminish the collaborative and loyal role that men of conscience have played and must play on this question. But it is African women who must and will lead, through Building the A-AWRU and in doing so also Building the A-APRP(GC).
African history has recorded that African women have been and continue to be an integral and decisive contributor to the Pan-African and international struggles for Peace, Human Dignity, National Liberation and Unification, Scientific Socialism, and Pan-Africanism – the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism. African women are an indispensible element of the revolutionary struggle to politically educate and organize the African masses, particularly our children and youth. African women must be represented in all areas of political, social, cultural, economic and organizational work, which is also true for the egalitarian, collectivist, humanist, and unified continental socialist society that will be built in Africa. It is the responsibility of the A-AWRU to lead in unleashing this potentially powerful force into the African Revolution.
A-AWRU Objectives and Work
- The A-AWRU energizes the Party, through politicizing African women and infusing them as skilled and militant Supporters, Pre-cadre and Cadre women, to be assigned to all areas of political work. It collaborates and coordinates with the polticial bureau, secretariats, and other mass organizations to assure qualitative human development and with it brilliant contributions of Supporter, Pre-cadre and Cadre women to the Party’s goals and objectives.
- The A-AWRU organizes itself to engage and educate African women and the Party on the question of women’s oppression and emancipation among the African masses worldwide. This is particularly true for Pre-cadre and Cadre circles, recognizing that political education and ideological training is the primary work of the A-APRP(GC). Steeled cadre must be developed through ideological struggle and revolutionary work. The principled struggle to clearly understand women’s oppression and emancipation must be waged women to and women and women to men inside the party as a catalyst for the party to spark this struggle among the African masses. Women’s oppression and emancipation is one of the fundamental questions of the day. To intensify this process the A-AWRU develops internal and external political education materials (written audio, printed, interactive, and visual) to cultivate Nkrumahist-Toureist thinking and practice on the question of women’s oppression and emancipation.
- The A-AWRU organizes monitors, evaluates, and reports, to the A-APRP (GC) Political Bureau, secretariats, chapters, branches, Pre-cadre and Cadre circles and Supporters, on the nature of the local, regional, national, Pan-African relationships between the A-AWRU and other African and international revolutionary and progressive unions and other women’s organizations. It develops materials and tools to explain and intensify these relationships.
- The A-AWRU engages, cultivates, and maintains relations, with the women’s wings or unions of revolutionary parties and organizations, which are approved allies of the A-APRP(GC). This is particularly true for the A-APRP(GC)‘s thrust to engage and build relationships with revolutionary and progressive women’s organizations, of all nationalities, who seek to create a world free of nuclear arms and to eradicate the conditions for war and for a just and lasting world peace.
- The A-AWRU prioritizes and conducts research about the oppression and emancipation of women to inform and guide the theory and practice of the A-AWRU and the A-APRP(GC) policies on Social Revolution. It is assigned to develop, coordinate and maintain a system to collect process and analyze information, research and other materials needed for the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union and the A-APRP(GC) to militantly and uncompromisingly cultivate and foster egalitarian, humanist, collectivist, and socialist values within our Supporters, Pre-cadre and Cadre.
- The A-AWRU develops and facilitates a system and a process to identify, collect, centralize and disperse resources, information, monies, supplies, equipment, machinery, etc. for the purpose of building the A-AWRU and therefore building the A-APRP(GC). To assure the complete integration of Pre-cadre and Cadre women into all structures and every aspect of Party work, the A-AWRU engages in systematic communication with A-APRP(GC) women, Political Bureau, secretariats and other structures based on the Supporters, Pre-cadre and Cadre women’s assignments, through verbal and written reports, memos and the minutes of A-AWRU meetings.
- The A-AWRU is empowered to organize, host, and attend African and International delegations, colloquiums, tribunals, congresses, conferences, meetings, receptions, demonstrations, programs, seminars and African Liberation Day (ALD) to Build the A-APRP(GC) and strengthen its solidarity with revolutionary and progressive women’s organizations and unions worldwide and to advance the quality of our relationships with our current allies and continue to work to identify new ones.
- The A-AWRU meets periodically for the purpose of political education, planning and to document, assess, and rectify the work of the A-AWRU in the course of the implementation of its mission and mandate.
- The A-AWRU has the responsibility to lead the struggle to organize and institutionalize a process to politically educate, socialize, and culturally develop, and organize our children. Women are the natural educators and nurtures of children and are the most equipped sector of the People to assure that African children are ideologically, socially, culturally, and emotionally prepared to express the qualities of the new African man and woman of conscience and to exemplify the revolutionary African Personality. Our children must become active participants in the African Revolution commensurate with their aptitude, age and abilities.
The Nkrumahist-Toureist Ideological Institute
The A-AWRU, through Nkrumahist-Toureist Institute, our party school, has as part of its mission the political education of African women and the Party on Social Revolution. A-APRP(GC) members must be clear on the question of women’s oppression and emancipation and this political struggle must rage in the Party as a precursor to the struggle among the African masses worldwide. This is particularly true internal to Pre-cadre and Cadre circles, recognizing that political education and ideological training is the primary work of the A-APRP(GC). Steeled cadre must be developed. This is a principled struggle. Women’s oppression and emancipation is one of the fundamental questions of the day.
In addition, it is assigned to coordinate and maintain a system to research, collect process and analyze information and data, and other materials generated and needed for the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union and the A-APRP(GC) to militantly and uncompromisingly cultivate and foster egalitarian, humanist, collectivist, and socialist Supporters, Pre-cadre and Cadre. To intensify this process the A-AWRU develops internal and external political education materials (written audio, printed, interactive, and visual) for the Web Portal and to cultivate Nkrumahist-Toureist thinking and practice on the question of women’s oppression and emancipation. The A-AWRU has permanent representation within the Nkrumahist-Toureist Institute and Party School.
Young Pioneer Political Education and Cultural Development Unit
The Young Pioneer Political Education and Cultural Development Unit have the responsibility to lead the struggle to organize and institutionalize a process to politically educate, socialize, and culturally develop, and organize our children. Women are the natural educators and nurtures of our children and are the most equipped sector of the People to assure that African children are ideologically, socially, culturally, and emotionally prepared to express the qualities of the new African man and woman of conscience and to exemplify the revolutionary African Personality. Our children must become active participants in the African Revolution commensurate with their aptitude, age and abilities.
Pan-African Women’s Relations and International Women’s Solidarity Unit
The Pan-African Women’s Relations and International Women’s Solidarity Unit is empowered, by the A-AWRU, to organize, host, and attend African and International delegations, colloquiums, tribunals, congresses, conferences, meetings, receptions, demonstrations, programs, and seminars to Build the A-APRP(GC) and strengthen its solidarity with revolutionary and progressive women’s organizations and unions worldwide and to advance the quality or our relationships with our current allies and continue to work to identify new ones. It engages, cultivates, and maintains relations, with the women’s wings or unions of revolutionary parties and organizations, which are the approved allies of the A-APRP(GC). This is particularly true for the A-APRP(GC)‘s thrust to engage and build relationships with revolutionary and progressive women’s organizations, of all nationalities, who seek to create a world free of nuclear arms and to eradicate the conditions for war and for a just and lasting world peace.
Finally, the Pan-African Women’s Relations and International Women’s Solidarity Unit organizes monitors, evaluates, and reports, to the A-APRP(GC) Political Bureau, secretariats, chapters, branches, Pre-cadre and Cadre circles and Supporters, on the nature of the local, regional, national, Pan-African relationships between the A-AWRU and other African and international revolutionary and progressive unions and other women’s organizations. It develops materials and tools to explain and intensify these relationships.
Administration, Communication and Resources Unit
The Administration, Communication and Resources Unit develops and facilitates a system and a process to identify, collect, centralize and disperse resources, information, monies, supplies, equipment, machinery, etc. for the purpose of building the A-AWRU and therefore building the A-APRP(GC). It also is assigned to assure the complete integration of Pre-cadre and Cadre women into all structures and every aspect of Party work. This is accomplished through documentation and in systematic communication with A-APRP(GC) women, Political Bureau, secretariats and other structures based on the Supporter, Pre-cadre and Cadre women’s assignments, through verbal and written reports and the minutes of A-AWRU meetings.
Join the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC)
E-Mail: info@a-aprp-gc.org – Voice Mail: (202) -246-4896