The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports is responsible for clarifying, edifying, and infusing Nkrumahism-Toureism into all areas and aspects of the A-APRP (GC) and African People’s lives. We tirelessly and uncompromisingly advocate and defend Nkrumahism-Toureism as the correct ideology of the African Revolution. The A-APRP (GC) is an ideological party; it places Nkrumahist-Toureist ideological and organizational training, particularly of African Students and Youth as its primary task. At the same time, it encourages and welcomes the orientation and membership of all sectors of our People as a Supporter, Pre-Cadre, or Cadre. Ahmed Sekou Toure affirms that:
“Without revolutionary consciousness there can be no Revolution. . . . History teaches that it is created and developed through ideological education and revolutionary practice. We can equally affirm that without ideological training and without revolutionary action, there can be no revolutionary consciousness; whether this revolutionary action is a brilliant feat of arms bringing about great qualitative changes, or whether it is conducted through stages through daily actions of an apparently minor significance.
History is full of cases where Revolutionary action, taking the lead on progress in the development of revolutionary consciousness, and thus breaking away from it nourishing source, which is the support and adhesion of the masses, degenerates into an adventure, accumulates failures and ultimately leads to a result contrary to the one anticipated the recession on all fronts of the forces of progress, the questioning of all that had already been achieved, the rejection to a remote and uncertain future of every possibility of resuming the struggle. . . .
The first exigency of the Revolution, the most important of all exigencies, is that of new men, who have freed themselves from the servitude of love for wealth, men who have opted for the general interest, for the People, for genuine humanism. . . .
Ideological training, revolutionary ideology is the modern weapon used by the oppressed Peoples to overcome their insufficiencies, to meet the challenge of the exploiting powers. Revolutionary ideology is the infallible arm that reveals and develops the People’s genius. All revolutionary Parties agree on this. . . .
The work of ideological training for the emancipation of a whole People in conditions such as ours is of necessity a long term enterprise. The path is full of ambushes, the least of which is not the apparent slowness of the results that will crown their efforts. [Ahmed Sekou Toure. Strategy and Tactics of the Revolution: Forward. pp. 13-15.]
History has recorded that African Students and Youth shoulder the responsibility of spreading revolutionary ideology among the African Masses. For African youth to assume their historically determined role and “if the Party is to achieve any worthwhile results by making sure of the future national trend, them it must take positive steps to inculcate the minds of [Africa’s] youth the ideology of the Party. Only by this way can we envisage the continuity of our line of thought and action long after many of us are gone.
“The youth must be imbued not only with a keen spirit of patriotism, but also with a sense of lofty socialist ideas which will enable them to think and act in the best interests of the community as a whole and not in the interest of themselves as individuals.” [Samuel Obeng, Editor. Selected Speeches of Kwame Nkrumah, Guide To Party Action-Seminar at the Kwame Nkrumah Institute of Ideological Studies, Vol. 3. p. 14.]
At the same time, we are crystal clear that it is the Masses of African people who the sole makers of history and our faith in our People is unshakeable. We are building a mass party. “[O]ur Party cannot afford to go forward from the stage it now finds itself, in ignorance. It must equip itself with the requisite knowledge that should make it capable not only of giving the political direction it must give to the people . . . . The main theme for our discussion here should centre around Party education, Party organisation and Party ideology . . .” [Samuel Obeng, Editor. Selected Speeches of Kwame Nkrumah, Guide To Party Action-Seminar at the Kwame Nkrumah Institute of Ideological Studies, Vol. 3. p. 10.]
Therefore, the Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports is empowered to assure that Nkrumahism-Toureism is researched, studied, understood and supreme inside of the A-APRP (GC) . It is directed to propagate and express, through recruitment and expansion of the Party, throughout the length and breadth of the Pan-African and International world, the Nkrumahist-Toureist and cultural basis and expression of the African Personality.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports facilitates the A-APRP (GC) in a Work-Study political education process that enhances and consolidates Nkrumahist-Toureist training and development for Cadre, Pre-Cadre and Supporters, through the Nkrumahist-Toureist Ideological Institute and Party School.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports implements the mass, political education, recruitment and orientation and Work-Study process, as defined and approved by the A-APRP (GC). It monitors, evaluates, and reports, to the A-APRP (GC) Political Bureau and Pre-cadre and Cadre members on the quantitative and qualitative impact of the Work-Study political education process on A-APRP (GC) membership.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports organize Recruitment Drives and other methods of recruitment of new members. It is responsible for follow-up, orientation, retention and the transformation of members into disciplined Nkrumahist-Toureists committed to the principles, values and ethics of Nkrumahism-Toureism. The ideological secretariat is the front line organ advocating and defending Nkrumahism-Toureism‘s principles, goals and objectives including, but not limited to: Pan-Africanism, egalitarianism, scientific socialism, collectivism, African nationalism, humanism, the emancipation of women, international solidarity and unity, and the Pan-African essence of African identity and culture, etc.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports prioritize and conduct research on subjects of an ideological nature. It develops internal and external political education materials (written audio, printed, interactive, and visual) to cultivate Nkrumahist-Toureist thinking, practice, and social relationships among all the A-APRP (GC) membership and the People.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports cultivates and develops working relationships with the political education structures, within our approved revolutionary Pan-African and International allies, so as to utilize the best available revolutionary experiences for ideological development and training derived from the universal struggle against capitalist exploitation and oppression and systematically and consistently improve and qualify the pedagogy of the A-APRP (GC) political education process.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports attends, hosts, and organizes Pan-African and International colloquiums, African Liberation Day, conferences and seminars both internal and among the African and International community for the purposes of ideological development and organizational consolidation, mass political education, recruitment, and strengthening political unity in our relationships with our Cadre, Pre-Cadre, Supporters, and Allies.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports organizes art shows, theatrical and cinema productions, African Ballets, concerts, open-microphone poetry recitals, and musical expressions, etc. that reflect the just values and principles of the emerging revolutionary African Personality and Culture and its ideology and that of the African Revolution, Nkrumahism-Toureism. The emerging revolutionary African Personality, expressed through the culture of the African People, is opposed to capitalism, imperialism, zionism, neo-colonialism, the last stage of imperialism and the oppression of women and of all sectors of the African masses. These activities serve the role of mobilization, political education and recruitment.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports organizes and utilizes sports (soccer, basketball, track and field, etc.) as a means of mass mobilization, education, and organization of African male and female Students and Youth. Sports, like art, culture and science, have no territorial boundaries. In the light of this they have another and even more important role to play in present-day Africa. Through international competitions with other African States, sports can provide that necessary basis of mutual understanding which can greatly assist the realization of our ideal of unity in Africa.
- The youth of Africa, by meeting together in the field of sport in one another’s countries, will learn what our elders were prevented from learning—-that all Africans are brothers with a common destiny. When, therefore, progress towards the level, one can hope that interchange of sports and cultural activities will have made its influence felt in the creation of a healthy atmosphere for African unity and independence.”[Samuel Obeng, Editor. Selected Speeches of Kwame Nkrumah: Sports and African Unity, Kumasi, February 20, 1960, Vol. 1. p. 26.] Congruent with these objectives sport must also promote physical development, health education and nutrition, Nkrumahist-Toureist ideological training and recruitment. Sports and athletics must be used as an instrument of recruitment in the service of the A-APRP (GC) in the development and functioning of our mass organizations.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports meets periodically to plan, monitor and rectify the work of the secretariat in the course of it implementation of Party plans.
- The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports works tirelessly with the Women’s Union, Youth and other unions and mass organizations to assure the complete integration of women into the ideological and organizational work of the Party. It also assures the correct emphasis and understanding of the particular manifestation of oppression of women in Africa and the African World in traditional, Islamic, and Euro-Christian Africa.
The Nkrumahist-Toureist Ideological Institute
The Nkrumahist-Toureist Ideological Institute, an instrument of mass political education, is our party school, the primary mechanism of political education in the A-APRP(GC). The Nkrumahist-Toureist Institute and Party School lies within the oversight of the Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports. The political education secretariat is mandated to guide the development, implementation and institutionalization of the approved political education materials and process. The primary method for organized mass political education and Nkrumahist-Toureist ideological training is the work-study circle. The Political Education of the Party is to further enhance and consolidate Nkrumahist-Toureist Cadre, Pre-Cadre and Supporters. Nkrumahist-Toureist ideological development will foster a hatred for capitalism and imperialism and an undying love for the Masses of the People. The Institute and Party School monitors Pre-Cadre and Cadre circles, evaluates, and through it reports, to the Political Education Secretariat on the quantitative and qualitative impact of the political education process on A-APRP (GC) membership.
Recruitment & Orientation Unit
The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports authorize the Recruitment and Orientation Unit to organize Recruitment Drives and other processes of political education of the African masses helping to create an atmosphere favorable to the recruitment of new members. The use of the web portal must be an indispensable part of this recruitment strategy. The Recruitment and Orientation Unit is assigned the responsibility of making contact and follow-up of potential members through the completion of their orientation. Through its work the Recruitment and Orientation Unit plays a leading role in being an advocate for and uncompromising defender of Nkrumahism-Toureism‘s principles, goals and objectives including, but not limited to: Pan-Africanism, egalitarianism, scientific socialism, collectivism, African nationalism, humanism, the emancipation of women, international solidarity and unity, and the Pan-African essence of African identity and culture, etc.
Ideology & Information Unit
The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports authorizes the Political Education & Information Unit to attend, host, and organize Pan-African and International ideological forums, colloquiums, African Liberation Day, conferences and seminars both internal and among the African and International community for the purpose of mass political education, recruitment, and strengthening ideological and organizational unity in our relationships within the Party and with our Allies.
The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports authorizes the Political Education & Information Unit to cultivate and develop working relationships with the political education structures, within our approved revolutionary Pan-African and International allies, so as to utilize the best available revolutionary experiences for ideological development and training derived from the Pan-African and International struggle against capitalist exploitation and oppression and systematically and consistently improve and qualify the pedagogy of the A-APRP (GC) political education process.
Sports & Revolution Unit
The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports authorizes the Sports & Revolution Unit to organize sports and athletic events and competitions as a means of education, mobilization and recruitment in the service of the A-APRP (GC)..
The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports authorizes empowers the Sports and Revolution Unit to play a key role in fueling the development and functioning of A-APRP (GC) mass organizations. This is especially true for the Student and Youth wing of the Party. In this regard, the Sports and Revolution Unit organizes and utilizes sports (soccer, basketball, baseball, gymnastics, track and field, etc.) as a means of mass mobilization, education, and organization of African male and female youth for the purpose of their understanding and promoting revolutionary patriotism for Africa and African people, the spirit of hard work and competition, physical development, academic excellence, health education and nutrition, Nkrumahist-Toureist ideological training and recruitment.
Culture & Revolution Unit
The Secretariat of Ideology, Information, Culture and Sports authorizes the Culture & Revolution Unit to organize revolutionary art shows, theatrical and cinema productions, African Ballets, open-microphone poetry recitals, and musical expressions, etc. that reflect the just values and principles of the African Personality, Culture and Nkrumahism-Toureism. These activities must serve as an artistic form of mass political education and recruitment and must reflect one of our cardinal principles, “Revolution is an act of Culture.”
E-Mail: info@a-aprp-gc.org – Voice Mail: (202) 246-4896