More than 1 billion African People live in Africa (its countries, islands, dependencies and territories) and more than 500 million African People live in the African Diaspora (in Asia, Oceania, the Americas and Europe). We are one People, Citizens of one Continental African Nation, with one common objective—Pan-Africanism—which Osagefyo Kwame Nkrumah correctly defined as the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism.
When fully developed, the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC) will be a revolutionary, all-African, socialist, mass political party that is guided by its Nkrumahist-Toureist ideology that will struggle to achieve its Pan-African Objective, and functions under the principles of democratic centralism. The Party will be built at the following levels:
- Work-Study Circles—Pre-Cadre and Cadre—and Support Groups.
- Branches, at the level of metropolitan cities and the adjacent areas.
- Chapters, at the level of zones (countries, islands, dependencies and territories).
- All-African World-Wide, at the level of Africa and the African Diaspora.
The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC) will use two inter-related and simultaneous approaches in its Party building efforts. The first Party building approach includes, as outlined in Kwame Nkrumah’s Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare, the struggle to establish an All-African Committee for Political Co-ordination (A-ACPC) “to act as a liaison between all parties which recognize the urgent necessity of conducting organized and unified struggle against colonialism and neo-colonialism. This unit would be created at the level of the Central Committees of the ruling and struggling parties [in Africa and the African Diaspora], and would constitute their integrated political consciousness.:
“The A-ACPC as the political arm of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Army (A-APRA) would fulfill the following functions:
- Ensure co-operation between the ruling parties of the liberated territories building socialism, and enable them to support each other in the fight against the internal enemy.
- Promote widespread and collective ideological training for cadres of parties teaching the theory of anti-colonialist, anti-settler colonialist and anti-neo-colonialist struggle, the case for African unity and for the building of socialism. This would be done in All African Committee for Political Coordination schools or in political training camps throughout the liberated territories.
- Coordinate and harmonize all political effort and assistance given to the revolutionary movements in colonized or apartheid areas, and to the progressive forces in all the neo-colonial areas.
- Provide an organic link with the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America who are struggling against imperialism.
- Ensure permanent relations with the socialist states of the world.
- Maintain and create links will all workers movements in the capitalist-imperialist states.
“Thus the A-ACPC would emerge as the organizational instrument of a unified struggle, and a centralizing and disciplinary organ providing permanent contact with the masses and with the scattered centers of their revolutionary activities. Such coordination would unify revolutionary action of the vanguard African territories and would enable them to exert decisive influence on the revolutionary liberation movement by allowing them to participate actively in it.” [Kwame Nkrumah. Handbook for Revolutionary Warfare pg.58.]
The second approach, our primary approach, includes mass political education, recruitment, orientation, and cadre and chapter development in selected zones (countries, islands, dependencies and territories) in Africa and the African Diaspora that do not currently have a progressive or revolutionary, vanguard or mass, political movement, organization or party with whom the A-APRP (GC) is or seeks to be aligned. The criteria that we use for the selection of the zones where the A-APRP (GC) will be built is discussed in Recruitment and Orientation Brochure #4: Our Allies.
Osagefyo Kwame Nkrumah approved of this approach, implicitly at least, when he gave Kwame Ture permission/mission in August 1967, “to begin organizing the basis for the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party among [African] People in the Diaspora.” [Kwame Ture and Michael Thelwell. Ready for Revolution. Page 623). That is what Kwame did for the last thirty-one years of his life; and that is what the A-APRP(GC) continues to do, organize recruit and develop Cadre and build Chapters from the bottom-up, cadre by cadre, circle by circle, chapter by chapter, and zone by zone.
The A-APRP(GC) utilizes the Constitution of the Convention Peoples Party during Kwame Nkrumah’s time, the Constitution of the Democratic Party of Guinea under Sekou Toure’s time, Nkrumah’s Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare and the Doctrine and Methods of the Democratic Party of Guinea as the models and guides for the development of the Party’s organizational structure. These models have been qualified by our more than four decades of revolutionary study, practice and experience.
Work-Study Circles and Support Groups
Democracy and political authority in the A-APRP(GC) originates in and flows up from the base, from Party Work-Study Circles—Cadre and Pre-Cadre, and Support Groups, to the highest levels of Party organization. The A-APRP(GC) will build, wherever possible in the targeted zones in Africa and the African Diaspora, a network of Circles and Groups at the level of precincts and wards, villages, town and cities, farms and work-sites, schools, churches, mosques and temples, prisons, and literally every organization, institution or agency in their respective area.
These Circles and Groups will include three to ten members who meet, where and when possible, once every two weeks to collectively study, agree and report on their collective work, discuss every aspect of Party life, and to make input on Party policies and decisions at all levels. The highest level of discipline and security will be maintained within and between Party Circles and Members.
Party Branches
The Branch is the basic organization of the A-APRP(GC). The Party shall establish, where conditions permit, Branches in all metropolitan areas, and their adjacent cities, towns, villages in all of the targeted Zones (countries, islands, dependencies and territories). Branches shall embrace all Party Members—Cadre, Pre-Cadre and Supporters. Each Branch shall develop, when and where possible, the following and other internal Party structures:
- Administration and Party Affairs
- Nkrumahism-Toureism, Information, Culture and Sports
- Pan-African and International Affairs
- Others as needed
Mass Organizations:
- Women
- Youth and Student
- Elders
- Differently-abled
- Workers
- Farmers (Peasants)
- Unemployed
- Professionals
- Cultural Workers
- Spiritual Workers
- Prisoners (political, of conscience, of war and socio-economic, etc).
- Others as needed
Each Branch shall be governed by a Branch Executive Committee which shall be elected annually at a General Meeting. There shall be a General Meeting, where conditions permit, of each Branch once a month. The Branch Executive Committee shall include at least one elected female and one elected male Member for each of the Secretariats where conditions permit. The Branch may elect other officers and appoint full-time paid officers where funds permit.
The duties of the Branch Executive Committee shall be:
- To carry on political education and organizational work, and revolutionary positive action among the masses of the People in order to realize the stand point advocated by the Party.
- To pay attention to the sentiments and remarks of the masses of the People, and report same to the higher Party bodies.
- To pay heed to the political, economic, social, cultural and spiritual life of the People and to take the lead to organize the People in the locality in which the Branch operates in order to solve their own problems by encouraging the spirit of initiative among the masses.
- To recruit, educate and organize new members—Pre-Cadre, Supporters and Cadre, and to collect Party membership dues and donations.
- To check and verify the record for Party membership and to report to higher Party bodies any act of indiscipline and other offenses which may bring the Party into dishonor and disrepute.
- To foster the ideological, political and general education of Party members—Cadre, Pre-Cadre and Supporters.
The Branch Executive Committee has the authority to suspend or expel Party members. A report on all suspensions and expulsions must be submitted to the higher Party bodies. This decision is subject to appeal to higher Party bodies.
Party Chapters
Chapters of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC) will be built in zones (countries, islands, dependencies and territories) in every corner of Africa and the African Diaspora where no revolutionary, Pan-African or socialist political movement, organization or party exists. Our list of existing and proposed Chapters of the A-APRP(GC) will be posted soon.
The Chapter Conference is the highest democratic and authoritative body within each Chapter. It shall be convened annually at a date and place to be fixed by the Central Committee. A special emergency Party Conference may be convened by the Chapter Executive Committee whenever possible and deemed necessary.
The triennial Chapter Conference shall include elected delegates from each Party Branch and Mass Party Organization, including Chapter Officers and Members of the Chapter Executive Committee. The Ex-officio Delegates shall not be entitled to vote unless they also duly elected as representatives by their Branch or Mass Organization.
Delegates to the Chapter Conference must (a) be a Member in good standing of their Work-Study Circle or Support Group and current in their dues; (b) individually accept and conform to the program, principles and policy of the Party; and (c) not act as a Delegate for more than one Branch or Mass Organization.
The Chapter Conference shall have the power:
- To lay down the broad basic policy and program of the Party for the ensuing three years. The decisions of the Chapter Congress shall be binding on all members of the Party and affiliated organizations.
- To consider the reports and audited accounts presented by the Chapter Responsibles (replace everywhere it appears) on behalf of the Chapter Executive Committee.
- To deal with matters affecting the Party and the zone.
The Chapter Executive Committee shall include the Chapter’s Secretaries and Representatives of the Chapter’s Mass Organizations. Cadre and Pre-Cadre members have voting rights. The Chapter Executive Committee shall have the authority:
- To carry out the policy and program of the Party.
- To help organize Chapter Circles and to guide and supervise their work.
- To enforce the Policy rules and regulations it deems necessary for such purpose whether by dissolution or suspension of a Chapter of the Party, suspension or expulsion of an individual Member of the Party. Any such action taken by the Chapter Executive Committee shall be immediately reported to all Chapter Member (Cadre, Pre-Cadre and Supporters), the Branch Executive Committee of the Party (all such opinions can be appealed), the All-African Central Political Bureau, and or the Central Committee. This action can be appealed and overturned by the Chapter Conference to which appeals shall lie from the Chapter Branches and Members concerned.
- To maintain Party finances and submit a report and a statement of account to the triennial Chapter Conference.
- To initiate and undertake all such activities as may further the aims and objectives of the Party.
All-African Party Congress
The fullest expression of democracy within the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC) resides in its All-African Party Congress which is held once every five years. Except under extraordinary circumstances, the All-African Party Congress may not be postponed. The All-African Party Congress may be convened before the normally scheduled date by the All-African Central Committee if asimple majority of the Executive Committees of the Chapters deem it necessary.
The All-African Party Congress shall include elected delegates from each (1) Party Chapters, and (2) Mass Party Organization.
The functions and powers of the All-African Party Congress include:
- To hear, examine, accept and or reject the reports of the All-African Political Branches and/or Chapters.
- To discuss and decide on major questions concerning the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC) in Africa and the African Diaspora.
- To adopt/ revise the Constitution and By-Laws of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC).
- To elect members from its ranks to serve on the All-African Political Branches and/or All-African Central Committee.
- To discuss and approve policies concerning the A-APRP(GC) participation in the All-African Committee of Political Coordination.
Join the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party(GC)
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