Conferences and Delegations that you should be aware of!
Non-Aligned Movement Condemns US Sanctions Against Venezuela 22 July 2019************
Final Declaration of the XXV São Paulo Forum: Unity of the peoples against imperialism 29 July 2019************
President Maduro closes I International Congress of Native Peoples 31 October 2019************
Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Conference, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism opens in Havana 1-3 November 2019 Lee Robinson and Kamau Benjamin, representing the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) and Banbose Shango, National Co-Chair of the National Network on Cuba, member of the Board of the Alliance for Global Justice, and an A-APRP (GC) organizer, traveled to Havana to participate in the Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Conference, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism. Kamau is also a representative of the DC Metro Coalition in Support of Cuba, and a “leader” of its Delegation. Lee leads an African Awareness Association Delegation. Lee, Banbose and Kamau will travel to Baracoa in Guantánamo Province to meet with the African Community there. Learn the true history of Baracoa. Report backs will be made. See: Statement to_Anti-Imperialist Solidarity_Conference************
Venezuela, Headquarters of the World Meeting of Afro-descendant Movements 10-12 November 2019 Bob Brown and Dr. Layla Brown-Vincent are travelling to Venezuela to represent the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) at the First International Afrodescendant Congress. They will meet with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, and social movement leaders, students, women, professors, filmmakers, and others. See: Statement to First International Afrodescendant Congress Bob will travel, where possible in Venezuela, with your enablement and empowerment, to introduce the A-APRP (GC) and provide an update on the status of our book God Makes No Slaves in the Womb! and on our movie Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) Dances in the Fire! to our allies and key contacts in Venezuela. Report backs will be made!Please help the A-APRP (GC) if you can.
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USLAW – AfGJ Delegation to Colombia 24 November – 4 December 2019 With your support the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) will send 1 or 2 organizers with the USLAW – AfGJ Delegation to Colombia which travels from 24 November – 4 December 2019. Please help us! This Delegation, according to the Alliance for Global Justice, “is timed to coincide with the third anniversary of Colombia’s peace accord that ended more than five decades of war between the government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP). This Delegation also occurs 8 ½ years after the signing of the Labor Action Plan (LAP), a side agreement of the US-Colombia Free Trade Agreement to address repression of the labor movement. The Delegation will assess the changing situation for Colombian labor unions, workers and farmers. The Delegation will also assess the importance of these key dates and will issue a comprehensive report on our findings. Lastly, the Delegation will provide a prime opportunity for the establishment of new, direct worker-to-worker solidarity among unionists.” This Delegation, according to the A-APRP (GC) will also meet with African community leaders in Bogota and Cali. We will discuss and share information and perspectives on the genocide and violence that has been, and is being waged against African People in Columbia and the United States, and throughout Africa and the African Diaspora. The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) will help link radical and revolutionary forces in the African community in Columbia with their counterparts in the US and worldwide. Report backs will be made.Please help the A-APRP (GC) if you can.
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Please, Support the Work of the A-APRP (GC)!
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Ready for the Revolution!