Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network News

Take Action August 3: Join the International Day of Action for Gaza and the Prisoners
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network joins the calls from Palestine to make 3 August — the 300th day of the ongoing genocide in Palestine — an international day of action for Gaza and the prisoners. We urge all Palestinian and Arab communities and organizations in exile and diaspora, and all internationalist organizations and activists for … Continue reading

Venezuela wins, Palestine wins: Samidoun congratulates Venezuelan people and President Nicolas Maduro on successful elections
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network salutes the people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on a successful, fair and transparent election, and congratulates President Nicolas Maduro on his re-election with 51.2% of the vote, announced shortly after midnight by the Consejo Nacional Electoral (CNE), the Venezuelan election authority. The victory of President Maduro is a … Continue reading

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Join the “Arrest Netanyahu Protests” in DC on 24-07-2024!

On 19 July 2024, the International Court of Justice, the U.N.’s high court at The Hague, confirmed what Palestinian and progressive forces have been saying for at least 57 years: “Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is illegal, a form of apartheid, and must end.”

One month earlier, on 20 May 2024, Karim Khan, chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), requested the issuance of warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for war crimes and genocide against Palestine (Gaza). When issued, these warrants will establish a “Global No Go Zone, a “Global No Travel Zone.” The 124 countries that are signatories to the Rome Convention are obligated to arrest them.

In response to Khan’s request, and with the collusion of the American Israel Political Action Committee (AIPAC), a letter was sent to Netanyahu on 1 June 2024 by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R) inviting him to make his fourth speech before a Joint Session of Congress on 24 July 2024. An estimated 100 Congress People have announced that they will boycott his speech. More than 230 Congressional staffers have signed a letter in opposition to this Invitation.

Netanyahu recently suggested that the ICC arrest warrants might be issued before 24 July 2024. The probability increased with the announcement of the ICJ Decision. It is well known however, that the U.S. will not arrest him. The U.S. and the UK are not a member of the ICC. It is in complicity with and aids and abets Israel. The U.S., the United Kingdom, and Israel have committed crimes and genocide against Palestine for more than 76-years.

They threaten to punish those forces who attempt to enforce these warrants. The People of the World, however, are not intimidated by their threats. Massive displays of solidarity with Palestine have been and will be organized, worldwide.

Pan-African Roots, the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC), the African Awareness Association, and our Supporters and Allies invite you to join us at the “Arrest Netanyahu Protest” on Capitol Hill on 24 July 2024, from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. We will align with the U.S. Coalition for Palestinian Rights’ (USCPIf not possible to R). Please RSVP at More details will be provided.

We ask those of you who cannot come to DC to organize protests against Gaza, and displays of solidarity with Palestine in every country, city, community, and campus in the 6 Regions of Africa and the African Diaspora, and the World.

We will wear white, as per our tradition, and carry red banners and signs in solidarity with the other members of the Red Line who will surround the U.S. Congress. We will honor Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) and Ethel Minor. We will join millions of People worldwide in the demand for the arrest of Netanyahu and Gallant. We join the demand that Harris, Austin, Thomas-Greenfield, Jeffries, and other members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) be held accountable for their complicity in these war crimes and genocide.

We also invite you to join us at 10:00 AM, on 19 August 2024. in the Daley Center Plaza, 50 West Washington, Chicago, IL We are a small, 1st Amendment-protected protest that begins at City Hall; and do not need or request a permit. We are a member of the March on the DNC, and will join it at Union Park, 1501 West Randolph Street, by subway or bus. If you cannot join us in Chicago, we request that you organize protests in every corner of the World.

We demand that Mayor Brandon Johnson issue all of the 1st Amendment-protected permits immediately! We also demand that all elected officials and civil society leaders of African descent in the 6 Regions of Africa and the African Diaspora end their complicity with Israeli racism and fascism, apartheid and settler-colonialism, genocide and war crimes, NOW!

The whole world was watching in 1968 and 1996, and it will be watching again in 2024. We need your help to organize a massive blitz in DC, Chicago and the World, starting today and continuing through 18 August 2024. Send your donation to $paroots1948a

Please forward this Invitation and Request for Support!

Stay Safe and Strong!

Bob Brown

Director, Pan-African Roots and Organizer, All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

(202) 248-6666

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Lisbon Launch of The Stolen Wealth of Slavery

An Emergency Invitation to the Lisbon Launch of The Stolen Wealth of Slavery
Mon, 3 June 2024 at 6 PM

In February 2024, Legacy Lit and the Hachette Book Group (United States) launched The Stolen Wealth of Slavery by David Montero. For the past 90+ days, Pan-African Roots, the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC), and the African Awareness Association supported book launches by the Missing Pages of History (Blog Talk Radio), the Mount Vernon Public Library, and the Friends of Track and Field in Richmond, VA; Mount Vernon, NY; and Chicago, IL, respectively. These community-based efforts were rewarded with modest success.

Pan-African Roots struggled against tremendous obstacles, to also support community-based launches in several countries in the 6 Regions of Africa and the African Diaspora. Unfortunately. We could not overcome those obstacles. We are pleased to forward to you the following invitation:

“Seminário 3 Junho ___ Slavery Impacts & Meaningful Change”

“ICNOVA (Communication Institute of Universidade Nova de Lisboa), the UNBREAKABLE HERITAGE initiative, and the University of Santiago (Cape Verde) invite you to participate in the Seminar Slavery Impacts & Meaningful Change, with speakers David Montero (author and investigative journalist) and Inocência Mata (teacher and researcher, UL – CEcomp).”

Date and Time : Monday, 3 May 2024, 6:00 PM in Lison, Portugal at CAN – Colégio Almada Negreiros, Room 217 – Campolide Campus, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Admission Free.

Click here for the Seminar start time in a city in your Date and Time Zone!

Website do ICNOVA :

Instagram/Facebook :

Official Zoom Link :

Website of the A-APRP (GC) :

This Book Launch is hosted  by ICNOVA in Lisbon and the University of Santiago in Cape Verde. See attached list of  local times worldwide, to view the Seminar. Viewing will be possible after it ends.

According to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, Portugal and Spain trafficked (traded) 6,909,790 Africans under their flags between 1501 and 1866, 5,848,266 and 1,061.524 respectively; 55.18% of the estimated 12,521,337 Africans trafficked. Pan-African Roots can prove that the true magnitude of the Portuguese and Spanish traffic was in excess of 11,696,532 to 17,544,798 and 2,123,048 to 3,184,572, respectively, of the total magnitude of 25,042,674 to 37,564,011 trafficked. We can also prove that it traffic was and is illegal, a Crime against Humanity, and against God.

The UNBREAKABLE HERITAGE Initiative must be supported!

Please also support Pan-African Roots!

Make a donation via Cash App at $paroots1948a

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Pan-African Roots Supports Launch of New Slavery Book

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ALD/PD 2024

Click the above image to register for zoom webinar.
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A-APRP (GC) In Solidarity with Cuban Revolution

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

Uncompromising Solidarity with the Cuban Revolution

Comrades, Sisters, and Brothers,

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) is in solidarity with the People of Cuba, as represented by President Miguel Diaz-Canel, when addressing his People’s frustration expressed in two or three peaceful protests in Santiago, Cuba, exaggerated by U.S. imperialist manipulation of social media. He made it clear that the more than 65 years of U.S. imperialism’s criminal and genocidal blockade of Cuba is to force the abandonment of the Cuban Revolution but said emphatically that abandonment of the Revolution is not an option for the Cuban people. Medical, electrical and food shortages and other life necessities are a direct consequence of the immoral and illicit foreign policy of United States of America and blockade of Cuba.

We agree with President Diaz-Canel that U.S. imperialism is arrogant, has contempt for the Cuban Revolution and is making every effort to interfere with and thwart its advancement. U.S. imperialism’s effort to break the unity of the Cuban people is failing! The Cuban people will assuredly continue to build their Revolution as a permanent expression of the future for oppressed Humanity. The U.S government, a supporter and perpetuator of terrorism worldwide, arrogantly, added Cuba to its arbitrary and unilateral U.S. list of “State Sponsors of Terrorism (SST). The U.S. government arrogantly and illegally occupies Cuban sovereign territory at Guantanamo Bay. The U.S. government wants to destroy the Cuban Revolution, reimpose neo-colonialism, and impose neo-liberalism on the Cuban people and is without question failing. With U.S. terrorism directed at the Cuban people, they are unwavering in their collective work and sweat to defend, build, and advance socialism. President Diaz-Canel underscores, “The Revolution is very solid, and the Cuban people are very aware of what it means to lose the Revolution.”

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party GC and our women’s union, the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union GC, in harmony with world’s struggling masses, at a time when U.S. imperialism, has elevated its corruption and repressive aggression domestically and internationally, are resolute in our support and solidarity with the Cuban Revolution led by the Communist Party of Cuba.

Looking Forward

There Is Victory For Us

Ready For Revolution,

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

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Statement on the 25th Anniversary of the Bolivarian Revolution

25 Years of the Bolivarian Revolution – (February 2, 1999 – February 2, 2024)

“The increase in our number in this short space of time is open testimony to the indomitable and irresistible surge of our peoples for independence. It is also a token of the revolutionary speed of world events in the latter half of this century. In the task, which is before us of unifying our continent, we must fall in with that pace or be left behind. The task cannot be attached in the tempo of any other age than our own. To fall behind the unprecedented momentum of actions and events in our time will be to court failure and our own undoing.”

Kwame Nkrumah
Inaugural Ceremony, OAU, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1963

“The imperialists see extremists everywhere. It’s not that we are extremists. It’s that the world is waking up. It’s waking up all over and people are standing up.”

Hugo Chavez
United Nations General Assembly, 20 September 2006

“As Chomsky says here clearly and in depth, the American empire is doing all it can do to consolidate its system of domination. And we cannot allow them to do that. We cannot allow world dictatorship to be consolidated.”

Hugo Chavez
United Nations General Assembly, 20 September 2006

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) and its women’s wing, the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (GC) February 2, 2024, congratulates the United Socialist Party of Venezuela/PSUV, President Nicolas Maduro, and the heroic Venezuelan people for fighting for and accomplishing 25 years of socialist independence and solidarity with other liberation movements and peoples. We have long followed, and admired, Venezuela’s exercise in genuine democracy with the triumphant 1998 election of President Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias against overwhelming opposition from imperialism. We celebrate him as the first, Indigenous and African president of Venezuela.

From the very beginning, President Chavez was targeted by US imperialism. We watched with concern and celebrated the reversal and defeat of the US-financed coup d’etat against him in February 2002. There has been a constant barrage of attacks on the PSUV and the people of Venezuela from the first inkling of a socialist revolution up to and including today. But the masses of Venezuelans, like our siblings of the Palestinian Revolution, have kept their dignity, and their willingness to wage a constant struggle to be free of Capitalism, Imperialism, Neo-liberalism, Neo-colonialism, and Zionism. Through all of this Venezuela has made sterling contributions to the people of Grand Colombia, defending, and advancing worker’s and women’s rights and the recognition and inclusion of the Afro-Venezuela communities and Indigenous peoples. The Bolivarian Revolution has bolstered unity with Cuba and Fidel Castro, with Evo Morales in Bolivia, Rafael Correa of Ecuador, Lula De Silva in Brazil, Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, and the leaders of progressive Caribbean states.

Inside Venezuela, we have witnessed the growth and development of numerous “Missions” to expand and consolidate health care, housing, food, and land distribution, etc. for the people. We salute the PSUV efforts to recognize and advance the development of ONADECAFRO (Consejo Nacional para el Desarrollo de las Comunidades Afrodescendientes de Venezuela) which was formed in 2012. Also, the creation of the International Anti-Imperialist Cumbe of African and Afro-Descendent People in 2019. As well as the Afrodescendant Group of the National Institute of Women (INAMUJER).

We have also championed Venezuela’s role in the creation and expansion of the ALBA Alliance and CELAC, which has replaced the U.S. controlled Organization of American States and the declaration of South and Central America and the Caribbean as a “Zone of Peace.” We are eternally grateful of the visionary leadership of President Maduro in guiding Venezuela’s support for South Africa’s ICJ Genocide Case Against Israel.

We salute these achievements and salute the people of Venezuela, their Party, the PSUV, President Maduro, and the Bolivarian Revolution. ¡Hasta la victoria siempre!

In Revolutionary Unity & Struggle,

Imhotep Ashanti (Representative)
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

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Palestinians Take Biden To Court

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South Africa Levels Accusations of ‘Genocidal Conduct’ Against Israel at UN International Court of Justice

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A-APRP (GC) Statement Condemning Terrorism Against Cuba

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