The A-APRP (GC)’s Colombia Delegation (July 27-August 11, 2022) Declares Solidarity and Unity with Humane Colombia, President-Elect Gustavo Petro, Vice-President-Elect Francia Marquez and the Colombian Masses!
The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) and its women’s union, the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (GC) declares support and solidarity with Colombia Humana and Pacto Historico (Humane Colombia Coalition); President-elect Gustavo Petro (Patriotic Union); Vice-President-elect Francia Marquez (Alternative Democratic Pole) and the revolutionary forces among the African, Indigenous, European, Palestinian, and other sectors of the heroic Colombian masses and their hard-fought People’s electoral victory. The A-APRP (GC) is unequivocal in its analysis that this election is of critical importance not only as a victory for the People of Colombia, but particularly for Colombians of African descent.
The People’s electoral victory in Colombia is another example of African, Indigenous, including mestizo, women and youth, workers, farmers and peasants, political prisoners, and former guerillas; anti-repression, anti-oppression and anti-exploitation tides that are, through struggle, sweeping every corner of the world. The impact of this victory is also a beacon for what is possible through dedication, commitment, and unyielding struggle for the African masses, those in Africa and those in the rest of the Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, Australia, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the South Pacific Islands. In our sight, this People’s electoral victory also represents another signal of the changing times, another symbol of hope and an additional inspiration for African and other struggling, justice and peace-seeking women worldwide. This election is another encouraging victory for all justice and peace-seeking Peoples worldwide!
Seasoned from years of struggle in the crucible of a demanding and uncompromising revolutionary fight for Human and Civil Rights, National Liberation, the Emancipation of Women and Youth, Black Power, Pan-Africanism and Scientific Socialism and assessing the current state of Pan-African and International affairs today, we have concluded that there are moments in the history of the Pan-African and International Peoples’ struggles that should not and cannot be missed and for us, traveling to Colombia, at this period in history, is one of those moments. This one moment in African and world history compels an A-APRP (GC) delegation, by the dictates of our Nkrumahist-Toureist values and principles, to travel to Colombia and celebrate with the Colombian people their historic presidential inauguration and as important, to reach out and forge greater political understanding and associations. We consciously inherit, continue, and seek to advance the revolutionary traditions and legacy of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure and Kwame Ture. Principled and unyielding Pan-African and International Solidarity and Alliances are a part of these traditions.
Through uncompromising and grueling struggles and sacrifices the Colombian people created this quantitative and qualitative moment in history. The Colombian people decisively have chosen their path and have spoken clearly; they are ready to follow the lead and direction of Humane Colombia and its new government. History has documented that the People are the makers of history, and it is based on the People’s political consciousness and the quality of their organization that they and only they have the veracity to transform an oppressive and exploitative society into one that addresses both their material and immaterial needs and aspirations.
The A-APRP (GC) has studied the history of revolutionary struggles in Colombia and also in Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa and the larger African Diaspora and the World. We openly believe that this People’s election represents another dialectical indicator of success in the Colombian People’s ongoing struggle to rid Colombia of international imperialism, militarism and domestic exploitation, the oppression of women, political repression and death squads, social injustices, and racism; principally with Colombian women, students and youth, the Indigenous Peoples and Nations, the Palestinian people and with those of African descent. It is our understanding and conclusion that this election represents a genuine opportunity to unite the Colombian people with one voice. In that struggle we are one with Colombia!
We are joining the celebrations of the Colombian people, in Colombia, as our humble gesture and contribution, with our limited capabilities, to express our solidarity and unity with Humane Colombia, its member organizations and the heroic struggling Colombian masses who are struggling and sacrificing, every day, to bring justice, peace, dignity and prosperity to Colombia.
We send to Humane Colombia, our heartfelt revolutionary salutations, and congratulations! The A-APRP (GC) /A-AWRU (GC) will remain steadfast in its declaration of solidarity expressed in our commitment to work in camaraderie with the People of Colombia and in resilient unity with our Colombian compatriots of African descent.
We thank our Friends, Allies and Supporters for their assistance to help us achieve this political milestone not witnessed since the First Conference of the Latin American Organization of Solidarity (OLAS) July 10—August 10, 1967, to forge organic relationships with women’s organizations, cultural artists and groups, students and youth, university professors, community-based sports organizations and clubs and the radical and revolutionary movements of Colombian society.
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)
All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (GC)
July 20, 2022