Celebrating the Revolutionary Life of Pan-Africanist Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)
Celebratory Theme: “Students Spark Revolution”
To: Africa’s and African People’s Allies, Friends, Supporters and Principally to African Students and Youth,
The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) would be honored to have you join and help us celebrate the revolutionary life of Pan-Africanist Kwame Ture born June 29, 1941. Kwame transitioned to our revolutionary ancestors November 15, 1998. Our celebratory theme was/is one of Kwame’s many axioms, as he unswervingly declared, “Students Spark Revolution.” Kwame, in his own life, was exemplary of this axiom and epitomized its essence as a student who grew and developed into a Responsible of the revolutionary African intelligentsia.
The A-APRP (GC) thinks it an important celebratory theme, in Kwame’s name, to honor him and highlight African students and youth. African students’ role is critical in our revolutionary struggle at this juncture in African and world history. In our thinking, this is a dire period in history in the African and International revolutionary struggle against U.S. led imperialism, zionism, neo-colonialism and the oppression and exploitation of women. Of this there should be no question! The merciless mass suffering and preventable deaths of African and other Peoples, particularly women and children, perpetrated by imperialism and its allies is clear for all to see.
The A-APRP (GC) continues, to the best of its ability, with its African Liberation Day and Palestine (NAKBA) Day 2022 launched ideological and organizational offensive against U.S. led imperialism and for Pan-Africanism—One Unified Socialist Africa. The A-APRP (GC) is reaching out to connect with all like-minded organizations. We are also searching for any African, in Africa or abroad, who are ready for organization and want to work for the liberty and unity of the masses of our People worldwide. Organization Decides Everything! Although the A-APRP (GC) is small with meager resources in the face of the power and resources of imperialist exploitation our voice does not quiver.
We inherit advance and challenge African students, today, those in Africa and those in the African Diaspora, to play this role that Africa has assigned them in the revolutionary struggle for Pan-Africanism. Kwame Ture was taught by Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah and Ahmed Sekou Toure and was clear from his own theory and practice as a student and as a Responsible in the revolutionary African intelligentsia and from the study of African and world history that “The youth belong to the Revolution. . . . On our youth depends the future of Africa and the continent’s total liberation and unity.”[1] This zoom celebration is Sunday June 26, 2022, from 12:00-2:00 pm. All updates and information will be on our website at www.a-aprp-gc.org.
We are celebrating Kwame’s contributions to the theory and practice of Nkrumahism-Toureism as applied to the objective of the African Revolution, which is Pan-Africanism, properly defined as, the total liberation and unification of African under scientific socialism. Kwame made it, in his words, “crystal clear” that for Pan-Africanism to be achieved this all-African revolutionary led struggle necessitated the building of an all-African mass revolutionary Pan-Africanist political party that demanded and worked tirelessly for the destruction of capitalism, imperialism, zionism, and neo-colonialism and the defeat of its neo-colonial puppets and for the total and complete emancipation of African women. Kwame never wavered on the question of the Nkrumahist-Toureist principles that guided his life.
So, we encourage and hope that you help us celebrate the revolutionary life of Pan-Africanist Kwame Ture. We are clear that Kwame touched many lives. He belongs to the African masses. In celebrating Kwame’s life, we are not just celebrating Kwame, we are celebrating the unbridled and relentless generational struggles of our People in Africa and throughout the African world for liberty, unity, justice, prosperity, and peace. We not only pay homage to his revolutionary past, it is now our responsibility to inherit, to continue and to prepare for our revolutionary future. African Students Are the Spark!
[1] Kwame Nkrumah. The Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare: Strategy, Tactics and Techniques. P. 88