Pan-African Roots & the Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee

Saturday, June 12, 2021 – 7:30 PM EST

“Nuclear Imperialism: Racism, Imperialism and Colonialism”

The 39th Anniversary of the 1982 March & Rally from the UN Plaza to Central Park for Peace, Justice, Nuclear Disarmament & Human Needs!

Bob Brown and John Steinbach will examine the impact of the nuclear industry including uranium mining, nuclear weapons testing and production, and the deployment of nuclear weapons on indigenous peoples’ land, the global south, and the relationship between nuclear policy and imperialism.

“The purpose of nuclear weapons never has been principally about deterrence or mutually assured destruction (MAD), but rather to serve as a coercive foreign policy instrument designed and intended to advance the imperial interests of the United States, and primarily directed against the Peoples of the Global South.”

This program will address questions such as:

• What role did colonialism and racism play in the development and deployment of nuclear weapons?

• What role have the people of the Global South played in the movement to abolish nuclear weapons?

• What is the relationship between nuclear weapons, military strategy and U.S. foreign policy?

Speaker Bio’s

Bob Brown will celebrate 58 years of work, study and struggle in the student and youth; human and civil rights; African liberation, Black Power and Pan-African; socialist; anti-war and anti-draft; anti-Zionist and anti-repression movements in August 2021. He was a member of the Chicago Chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (1963-1968); director of the Midwest Office of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (1967-1968) and co-founder of the Illinois Chapter of the Black Panther Party (1968-1969). He has worked with and supported hundreds of progressive and revolutionary movements, organizations and governments in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora and the World. He is the director of Pan-African Roots and an organizer for the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

John Steinbach has been active in a wide range of human rights struggles, from the Black Action Movement and Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid while a student at the University of Michigan, to his current immigrant solidarity work with Woodbridge Workers Committee and Mexicanos Sin Fronteras in Prince William County, Virginia.  Since 1981, Mr. Steinbach has been active with numerous organizations including the Gray Panthers of Metropolitan Washington, Washington Peace Center, and the American Indian Support Committee. He is a founder and Co-Chair of the Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee of the National Capital Area. He is the author of numerous articles about nuclear weapons, U.S. foreign policy, and environmental issues.

Hiroshima Nagasaki Peace Committee website:

John Steinbach is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Nuclear Imperialism

Time: Jun 12, 2021 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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