The Black Panther is coming! (2014)

To Complete Research for The War against Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) and

To Help Build the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

         Free Huey!

From March 1965 to July 1969, Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) traveled from Lowndes County, Alabama to every major city in the United States and key cities and countries on every continent to help organize and build support for the Black Panther Movement-Party (BPM-I) and its imprisoned leadership. He continued to support the Black Panther Party’s and Black Liberation Army’s prisoners of war, political prisoners and cadre in exile for the rest of his life.

Governments and organizations (for profit and not-for-profit) in every corner of the world (right, center and left) waged a ruthless war to prevent this independent, militant, Black Nationalist and Pan-Africanist movement-party from being built. Having failed in this initial goal, they waged a decades-long war to co-opt and control, contain or crush it. Kwame’s contributions to the BPM-P’s birth and growth have been minimized, distorted and deformed, and “whited out” of history. This war continues and intensifies as we approach the 50th anniversary of its founding.


In 1967, Kwame also joined the Movement to Take Kwame Nkrumah Back to Ghana, the Democratic Party of Guinea under the leadership of Ahmed Sekou Toure, the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania, and the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party which was founded by Kwame Nkrumah. For the next 31 years of his life, until his transition on November 15, 1998, he traveled to every continent, and many countries and cities in the world supporting and helping build these and other revolutionary movements and parties, especially the A-APRP. The A-APRP (GC) inherits and continues this revolutionary theory and practice. This history has not been told. Few people in academia or the movement are qualified to tell it.

“No participation, no right to observation!  No investigation, no right to speak!”


Bob Brown is retracing as many of Kwame’s organizational footsteps as possible, given the current world political and military climate, and scarcity of resources. He is coming to your campus and community, city and country in 2014 to help build new and re-establish old branches of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) and to help re-establish old and build new relationships with revolutionary allies. He is also coming to your area to complete research for The War against Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) which he and Dr. Christian Davenport are co-authoring.

Bob’s 50-years of participation in the student and youth, civil and human rights, Black Power and Pan-African, socialist and peace movements; and his work with the Congress of Racial Equality, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Black Panther Party, the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) and with Kwame Ture have earned him the right to observe. His exhaustive and unparalleled investigation, and his encyclopedic knowledge of Kwame’s contributions and achievements have earned him the right to speak. He must observe and speak now, or forever hold his peace. He must also continue his life-long, revolutionary, Pan-African and Internationalist work, study and struggle.

Christian Davenport is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor; a Faculty Associate at the Center for Political Studies, Institute for Social Research, and a Global Fellow at the Peace Research Institute Oslo. His professional and personal interests include political conflict and violence – particularly that involving governments and those affiliated with them (e.g., genocide/politicide, mass killing, torture, bans, curfews, beatings, arrests for political purposes and domestic spying). He has looked at both global patterns and individual cases (the United States, Rwanda, India, Northern Ireland as well as more recently Darfur, Sudan and Mexico).

Chris is an expert in archiving massive collections of information relevant to conflict and analyzing the macro and micro determinants of contentious politics. His publications include: “Media Bias, Perspective and State Repression: The Black Panther Party;” “When Democracies Kill: Reflections from the US, India and Northern Ireland;” “Protesting While Black? The Differential Policing of American Activism;” “The Puzzle of Iraqi Mortality: Surges, Civilian Deaths and Alternative Meanings;” “Velvet Glove, Iron Fist or Even Hand? Protest Policing in the United States;” “Licensing Repression: Dissent, Threats and State Repression in the United States;” and “Understanding Covert Repressive Action: The Case of the US Government Against the Republic of New Africa.”

The War against Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) is the authorized biography of Kwame Ture and it is the definitive history of the COINTELPRO and cointelpro-like operations waged against him, and against the movements, organizations, governments, activities and events and leading personalities with whom he collaborated, competed and conflicted. This book is explosive, and it will change the historical narrative and discourse; a much needed and refreshing change!

We need your help!

Tentative Schedule for The Black Panther is coming!

Spring 2014 Tour


Raleigh 10-Mar New Haven 7-Apr Nashville 5-May Montgomery
11-Feb Raleigh 11-Mar New Haven 8-Apr Indianapolis 6-May Montgomery
12-Feb Chapel Hill 12-Mar Boston 9-Apr Indianapolis 7-May Tuskegee
13-Feb Chapel Hill 13-Mar Boston 10-Apr Madison 8-May Selma
14-Feb Durham 14-Mar Boston 11-Apr Madison 9-May Lowndes County
15-Feb Durham 15-Mar Boston 12-Apr Madison 10-May Atlanta
16-Feb Durham 16-Mar Pittsburgh 13-Apr Madison 11-May Atlanta
17-Feb Richmond 17-Mar Pittsburgh 14-Apr Chicago 12-May Atlanta
18-Feb Richmond 18-Mar Cleveland 15-Apr Chicago 13-May Atlanta
19-Feb Washington 19-Mar Cleveland 16-Apr Chicago 14-May Atlanta
20-Feb Washington 20-Mar Detroit 17-Apr Chicago 15-May Washington
21-Feb Washington 21-Mar Detroit 18-Apr Memphis 16-May Washington
22-Feb Washington 22-Mar Detroit 19-Apr Memphis 17-May Washington
23-Feb Baltimore 23-Mar Grand Rapids 20-Apr Dallas 18-May Washington
24-Feb Baltimore 24-Mar Grand Rapids 21-Apr Dallas 19-May San Francisco
25-Feb Philadelphia 25-Mar Grand Rapids 22-Apr Austin 20-May San Francisco
26-Feb Philadelphia 26-Mar Ann Arbor 23-Apr Austin 21-May San Francisco
27-Feb Philadelphia 27-Mar Ann Arbor 24-Apr Austin 22-May San Francisco
28-Feb Newark 28-Mar Columbus 25-Apr Austin 23-May San Francisco
1-Mar Newark 29-Mar Columbus 26-Apr Houston 24-May San Francisco
2-Mar Newark 30-Mar Cincinnati 27-Apr Houston 25-May San Francisco
3-Mar New York 31-Mar Cincinnati 28-Apr Houston 26-May Los Angeles
4-Mar New York 1-Apr Cincinnati 29-Apr New Orleans 27-May Los Angeles
5-Mar New York 2-Apr Lexington 30-Apr New Orleans 28-May Los Angeles
6-Mar New York 3-Apr Lexington 1-May Jackson 29-May Los Angeles
7-Mar New York 4-Apr Louisville 2-May Jackson 30-May Los Angeles
8-Mar New York 5-Apr Louisville 3-May Greenwood 31-May Los Angeles
9-Mar New Haven 6-Apr Nashville 4-May Greenwood

Click here, to invite Bob Brown to your campus and community, city and country!

Click here, to RSVP, and to make a Contribution to ensure the success of this Tour!

Donors who contribute $25 or more will receive a copy of

The War against Kwame Ture, hot off the press!

For more information, contact: or (202) 259-1631

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