ALD 2013 in Washington, DC
A Qualified Victory!
The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) with deepest regards, gratitude and appreciation, thanks every one of you, who supported (financially and in-kind), helped organize or attended our 50th Anniversary of African Liberation Day (ALD) Symposium and Reception in Washington, DC on May 25, 2013. Due to our collective dedication and commitment to Africa and the African Revolution, with its objective being Pan-Africanism, ALD 2013 in Washington, DC was a qualified victory, including the development of a working relationship with the Festival Center staff.
In harmony with the original purpose and history of African Liberation Day’s Pan-African and International principles and relations, the A-APRP (GC)’s ALD, was organized in solidarity with Palestine Day (May 15th), and in Remembrance of Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of their birthdays (May 19th).
We offer our ALD 2013 Report to you and welcome your comments, criticism and suggestions. Send them to We apologize for the delay in posting this report. We are a small and poor party, but a party on the move, nonetheless . The quantity and quality of our work worldwide, and the pace of the African Revolution delayed our collective effort to discuss, approve and post it.
Our Theme
The theme of our African Liberation Day 2013 was “Take African Liberation Day Back to Revolutionary Pan-Africanism: Africa is on Fire!” ALD was organized to identify, address and heighten the ideological and organizational struggle around what we understand to be fundamental political questions of the Pan-African movement past and present. It is our understanding that the revolutionary struggle for Pan-Africanism follows both the laws of nature and of society. Therefore, in our analysis, ALD 2013 required that we make every effort to identify some of the quantitative stages and qualitative developments of the Pan-African movement, with the struggle between the People and the anti-People forces in Africa at its center.
The contradictions resulting from the historical and continuing Asiatic and Euro-American intrusions and invasions of Africa, its colonization and balkanization, and the corresponding illegal and immoral trafficking, enslavement and dispersion of African people all negatively impacted, reprioritized and blurred the struggle between the People’s class and the anti-People’s class in Africa and the African Diaspora. Yet it is this struggle that objectively has always been and will always be the driving force of the African Revolution and to the realization of Pan-Africanism, correctly defined at the 5th Pan-African Congress and the All African People’s Conference in 1958 in Accra, Ghana as the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism. Dr. W.E.B. DuBois correctly declared the All African Peoples’ Conference (AAPC) the 6th Pan-African Conference. In our estimation, it is this struggle that drives the war against present day neo-colonialism, the last stage of imperialism, and for scientific socialism and genuine, revolutionary Pan-Africanism.
There is no question that the A-APRP (GC) is a small and poor party. We make no apologies for this objective yet temporary fact. We are confident that we will grow and develop. We made hard, principled and uncompromising decisions in our struggle to build ALD 2013. Our strategic and tactical decisions were driven by our revolutionary goals.
Our Goals
One goal of ALD 2013 was to intensify the ideological struggle around questions of, including, but not limited to: Pan-Africanism; African nationalism and identity; Revolution and Reform; the correct ideology and organization for the African Revolution; capitalism or scientific socialism; Revolution as an act of culture; class struggle; Africa’s allies and enemies; etcetera. Another goal was to solidify and expand our relationships with progressive and revolutionary forces in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora and the World. Our primary goal, however, was to call for and intensify the work for the re-emergence and return to the revolutionary essence and personality of African Liberation Day worldwide. Towards that end, we invited a diversity of African and international ideological viewpoints and positions on these questions. International participants also provided a status report on their international solidarity, organization and movement.
We discussed and agreed upon the nature and quantity of our audience, primary and secondary, onsite and online; and we agreed that our online audience, which is worldwide, was primary. We planned (seating and food) for 50 to 100 people onsite, our core base of Members and Supporters in the DC Metro area: 70 people attended, 25 additional people registered but did not attend. Donations—in advance and at the door covered expenses, left us with a small profit of $500, which we used for other party activities.
In April and May 2013, we sent more than 7,500 emails and more than 10,000 Facebook posts announcing our ALD activities; inviting people to attend our events; and encouraging others to attend and help build African Liberation Day activities in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora and the World. We look forward to seeing the reports from these ALD events as well. We have finally cleaned our email list, and our Facebook and Twitter presence is growing.
Our web-portal had 3,103 new visitors, 1,247 in April 2013 and 1,856 in May 2013, a quantitative and qualitative victory. We had 0,000 additional, new visitors in June 2013 and 0,000 as of July 2013. Our goal was met: quality, not quantity; organization, not mobilization; revolutionary political education, not edutainment. Sixty-one people registered to join the A-APRP (GC), and attend our online Orientation Process, another victory! We welcome those who are serious to our ranks.
We decided that one role our web-portal plays, and must continue to play, as we expand and perfect it, is to make information about our our Allies’ activities and events accessible to people in every corner of Africa, the African Diaspora and the World, which is clearly demonstrated by Hip Hop artists who cut records with less than 25 people in the studio (artists, technicians and their posse), and their records sell the millions.
The A-APRP (GC) will reach more people—onsite and online—at African Liberation Day 2014, which will be held at the Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Road NW, in Washington, DC on Saturday, May 17, 2014. Additional information will be posted on our web-portal as the ALD 2014 program and participants are confirmed.
Click here, to REGISTER for ALD 2014, today!
Click here, to make a DONATION to help build ALD 2014, today!@
Our Allies
The A-APRP (GC) has hundreds of Allied organizations, worldwide. The limitations of time, space and other resources compelled us to limit the number of, and prioritize those whom we invited to make presentations, onsite and online. We are sure that our principled and revolutionary Allies understand this material and financial reality, as they have been compelled to make similar hard decisions in the past, and will be compelled to make them in the future.
The organizations and their representatives who were invited to ALD 2013 in Washington, DC are listed below, with links to their presentations, audio-visual and written. We will be forever grateful to them for their contributions. We thank them, and a host of other people who made ALD 2013 in DC a qualified success.
ALD Symposium Panel 1:
Take African Liberation Day Back to Revolutionary Pan-Africanism: Africa is on Fire!
Invited Participants included:
Ike Mafole – Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania – Presentation |
Ishmael Conde – Parti de la Revolution Populaire Africain de Guinee * |
Ahmed Sekou Toure Clubs in France * |
Lang T.K.A. Nubour – Centre for Conscientist Studies & Analyses |
Explo Nani-Kofi – Kilombo Centre for Civil Society and African Self-Determination * |
Kit Aastrup – Danish Cuban Friends in Aarhus, Denmark |
Ibrahim Ebeid – Iraq Palestine Committee & Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party |
Jafar Jafari – Palestine Liberation Movement * |
Nubia Kai – Republic of New Afrika |
Kali Akuno – Black Left Unity Network & Malcolm X Grassroots Movement * |
Penny Gamble-Williams – LISTEN * |
Janice Denny – American Indian Movement * |
Bill Means – International Indian Treaty Council * |
Dr. Zoe Spencer – Associate Professor of Sociology, Virginia State University |
Organizations with an asterisk (*) where not able to participate .
ALD Symposium Panel 2:
Building Revolutionary Alliances within the Revolutionary Pan-Africanist and Socialist Movement!
Invited Participants included:
Charo Mina-Rojas – Black Community Process (Colombia) * |
Eugenia Charles, Director – Fondasyon Mapou (Haiti) * |
Herman Wainggai – West Papua National Authority (Papua New Guinea) |
Diego Pari, Ambassador – Embassy of Bolivia to OAS * |
Sonia Umanzor, Cultural Attaché – Embassy of El Salvador |
Marcos Garcia, Second Secretary & Labor Attaché – Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela |
Machivenyika Maparanga, Ambassador – Embassy of Zimbabwe * |
Organizations with an asterisk (*) where not able to participate .
ALD Diplomatic Reception
Co-sponsored by Friends of the Congo
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of African Liberation Day! Forward to One Unified Socialist Africa!
Invited Participants included:
Patricia Pego Guerra, First Secretary – Cuban Interests Section |
Maurice Carney, Executive Director – Friends of the Congo |
Herman Wainggai – West Papua National Authority (Papua New Guinea) |
Ofunshi Oba Koso, President – Yoruba Cuba Association, Minneapolis |
Victor Dreke, President of the Africa-Cuba Association, Havana |
See you at African Liberation Day 2014
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Festival Center
1640 Columbia Road NW
Washington, DC 20009
Click here, to REGISTER for ALD 2014, today!
Click here, to make a DONATION to help build ALD 2014, today!