The People’s electoral victory in Colombia is another example of African, Indigenous, including mestizo, women and youth, workers, farmers and peasants, political prisoners, and former guerillas; anti-repression, anti-oppression and anti-exploitation tides that are, through struggle, sweeping every corner of the world.

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Kwame Nkrumah Day 2022

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The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

is organizing


Sunday, September 18, 2022 – 12:00 PM EST

Click here to Register

Pan-Africanism Must Be the Primary Objective of African Revolutionaries Worldwide

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) inherits, continues, and advances, to the best of our ability, the theory and practices of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure and Kwame Ture. For us, the organization of Kwame Nkrumah Day must become an annual institution by all who claim adherence to the revolutionary struggle for Pan-Africanism and one of its most outstanding ideologues and organizers, Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah.

The A-APRP (GC) is opposed to, in principle, any cult of the personality or hero-worship. Kwame Nkrumah Day, therefore, is symbolic of our commemorating and honoring the mass struggles of African people and their Pan-Africanist revolutionary leadership fighting against all forms of oppression and exploitation; settler-colonialism, colonialism, balkanization and neo-colonialism in Africa and the world and for organizing the struggle for Pan-Africanism, including socialism, in all of its various expressions by African people worldwide.

Rampant ideological opportunism and confusion is widespread, particularly among the African intelligentsia, men and women, students, and youth, and within the Pan-African movement by those who claim to be Pan-Africanist and revolutionary, but do not make the total liberation and unification of Africa under scientific socialism primary in their political practice. There are those who claim Pan-Africanism, but merely seek reform and do not struggle for Revolution; they deny the validity of scientific socialism and class struggle and do not see themselves as being African and of the African nation; they do not advocate for nor advance the struggle for the unification of Africa nor belong to a Pan-Africanist organization. Kwame Nkrumah correctly taught, “Practice without theory is blind; theory without practice is empty.” The A-APRP (GC) has called for and continues with its energies to intensify the ideological and organizational revolutionary struggle against international imperialism, the oppression and exploitation of women, neo-colonialism, and zionism. The organization of Kwame Nkrumah Day is another effort towards that goal.

This year’s Kwame Nkrumah Day ideological focus is looking to engage in political struggle for greater clarity as to whether it is correct to say that if one claims to be a Pan-Africanist, then Pan-Africanism is the primary objective of African revolutionaries worldwide. The most important A-APRP (GC) goal, with this discussion, is to help cultivate and nurture, through dialog and debate, greater ideological unity, and organizational relationships within the Pan-African movement worldwide, particularly among African women, students and youth and their radical and revolutionary organizations.

Join us for this most important discussion for all of us to better understand the necessary expectations and needs from those individuals and organizations who claim Pan-Africanism.

Web: www.a-aprp-gc.org

Email: info@a-aprp-gc.org

Address: 712 H Street NE, Suite 1320, Washington, DC 20002

Phone: 202-246-4896

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A-APRP (GC) Announces Delegation to Colombia Presidential Inauguration 2022

President-Elect Gustavo Petro & Vice-President-Elect Francia Marquez

The A-APRP (GC)’s Colombia Delegation (July 27-August 11, 2022) Declares Solidarity and Unity with Humane Colombia, President-Elect Gustavo Petro, Vice-President-Elect Francia Marquez and the Colombian Masses!

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) and its women’s union, the All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (GC) declares support and solidarity with Colombia Humana and Pacto Historico (Humane Colombia Coalition); President-elect Gustavo Petro (Patriotic Union); Vice-President-elect Francia Marquez (Alternative Democratic Pole) and the revolutionary forces among the African, Indigenous, European, Palestinian, and other sectors of the heroic Colombian masses and their hard-fought People’s electoral victory. The A-APRP (GC) is unequivocal in its analysis that this election is of critical importance not only as a victory for the People of Colombia, but particularly for Colombians of African descent.

The People’s electoral victory in Colombia is another example of African, Indigenous, including mestizo, women and youth, workers, farmers and peasants, political prisoners, and former guerillas; anti-repression, anti-oppression and anti-exploitation tides that are, through struggle, sweeping every corner of the world. The impact of this victory is also a beacon for what is possible through dedication, commitment, and unyielding struggle for the African masses, those in Africa and those in the rest of the Western Hemisphere, Europe, Asia, Australia, Aotearoa (New Zealand) and the South Pacific Islands. In our sight, this People’s electoral victory also represents another signal of the changing times, another symbol of hope and an additional inspiration for African and other struggling, justice and peace-seeking women worldwide. This election is another encouraging victory for all justice and peace-seeking Peoples worldwide!

Seasoned from years of struggle in the crucible of a demanding and uncompromising revolutionary fight for Human and Civil Rights, National Liberation, the Emancipation of Women and Youth, Black Power, Pan-Africanism and Scientific Socialism and assessing the current state of Pan-African and International affairs today, we have concluded that there are moments in the history of the Pan-African and International Peoples’ struggles that should not and cannot be missed and for us, traveling to Colombia, at this period in history, is one of those moments. This one moment in African and world history compels an A-APRP (GC) delegation, by the dictates of our Nkrumahist-Toureist values and principles, to travel to Colombia and celebrate with the Colombian people their historic presidential inauguration and as important, to reach out and forge greater political understanding and associations. We consciously inherit, continue, and seek to advance the revolutionary traditions and legacy of Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure and Kwame Ture. Principled and unyielding Pan-African and International Solidarity and Alliances are a part of these traditions.

Through uncompromising and grueling struggles and sacrifices the Colombian people created this quantitative and qualitative moment in history. The Colombian people decisively have chosen their path and have spoken clearly; they are ready to follow the lead and direction of Humane Colombia and its new government. History has documented that the People are the makers of history, and it is based on the People’s political consciousness and the quality of their organization that they and only they have the veracity to transform an oppressive and exploitative society into one that addresses both their material and immaterial needs and aspirations.

The A-APRP (GC) has studied the history of revolutionary struggles in Colombia and also in Central and South America, the Caribbean, Africa and the larger African Diaspora and the World. We openly believe that this People’s election represents another dialectical indicator of success in the Colombian People’s ongoing struggle to rid Colombia of international imperialism, militarism and domestic exploitation, the oppression of women, political repression and death squads, social injustices, and racism; principally with Colombian women, students and youth, the Indigenous Peoples and Nations, the Palestinian people and with those of African descent. It is our understanding and conclusion that this election represents a genuine opportunity to unite the Colombian people with one voice. In that struggle we are one with Colombia!

 We are joining the celebrations of the Colombian people, in Colombia, as our humble gesture and contribution, with our limited capabilities, to express our solidarity and unity with Humane Colombia, its member organizations and the heroic struggling Colombian masses who are struggling and sacrificing, every day, to bring justice, peace, dignity and prosperity to Colombia.

We send to Humane Colombia, our heartfelt revolutionary salutations, and congratulations! The A-APRP (GC) /A-AWRU (GC) will remain steadfast in its declaration of solidarity expressed in our commitment to work in camaraderie with the People of Colombia and in resilient unity with our Colombian compatriots of African descent.

We thank our Friends, Allies and Supporters for their assistance to help us achieve this political milestone not witnessed since the First Conference of the Latin American Organization of Solidarity (OLAS) July 10—August 10, 1967, to forge organic relationships with women’s organizations, cultural artists and groups, students and youth, university professors, community-based sports organizations and clubs and the radical and revolutionary movements of Colombian society.

All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)

All-African Women’s Revolutionary Union (GC)

July 20, 2022

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Celebrating the Revolutionary Life of Pan-Africanist Kwame Ture

Click the Image Above to Access the Zoom Event: ID: 485 912 2617, Pass Code: wN86jm

Celebrating the Revolutionary Life of Pan-Africanist Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael)

Celebratory Theme: “Students Spark Revolution”

To: Africa’s and African People’s Allies, Friends, Supporters and Principally to African Students and Youth,

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) would be honored to have you join and help us celebrate the revolutionary life of Pan-Africanist Kwame Ture born June 29, 1941. Kwame transitioned to our revolutionary ancestors November 15, 1998. Our celebratory theme was/is one of Kwame’s many axioms, as he unswervingly declared, “Students Spark Revolution.” Kwame, in his own life, was exemplary of this axiom and epitomized its essence as a student who grew and developed into a Responsible of the revolutionary African intelligentsia.

The A-APRP (GC) thinks it an important celebratory theme, in Kwame’s name, to honor him and highlight African students and youth. African students’ role is critical in our revolutionary struggle at this juncture in African and world history. In our thinking, this is a dire period in history in the African and International revolutionary struggle against U.S. led imperialism, zionism, neo-colonialism and the oppression and exploitation of women. Of this there should be no question! The merciless mass suffering and preventable deaths of African and other Peoples, particularly women and children, perpetrated by imperialism and its allies is clear for all to see.

The A-APRP (GC) continues, to the best of its ability, with its African Liberation Day and Palestine (NAKBA) Day 2022 launched ideological and organizational offensive against U.S. led imperialism and for Pan-Africanism—One Unified Socialist Africa. The A-APRP (GC) is reaching out to connect with all like-minded organizations. We are also searching for any African, in Africa or abroad, who are ready for organization and want to work for the liberty and unity of the masses of our People worldwide. Organization Decides Everything! Although the A-APRP (GC) is small with meager resources in the face of the power and resources of imperialist exploitation our voice does not quiver.

We inherit advance and challenge African students, today, those in Africa and those in the African Diaspora, to play this role that Africa has assigned them in the revolutionary struggle for Pan-Africanism. Kwame Ture was taught by Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah and Ahmed Sekou Toure and was clear from his own theory and practice as a student and as a Responsible in the revolutionary African intelligentsia and from the study of African and world history that “The youth belong to the Revolution. . . . On our youth depends the future of Africa and the continent’s total liberation and unity.”[1] This zoom celebration is Sunday June 26, 2022, from 12:00-2:00 pm. All updates and information will be on our website at www.a-aprp-gc.org.

 We are celebrating Kwame’s contributions to the theory and practice of Nkrumahism-Toureism as applied to the objective of the African Revolution, which is Pan-Africanism, properly defined as, the total liberation and unification of African under scientific socialism. Kwame made it, in his words, “crystal clear” that for Pan-Africanism to be achieved this all-African revolutionary led struggle necessitated the building of an all-African mass revolutionary Pan-Africanist political party that demanded and worked tirelessly for the destruction of capitalism, imperialism, zionism, and neo-colonialism and the defeat of its neo-colonial puppets and for the total and complete emancipation of African women. Kwame never wavered on the question of the Nkrumahist-Toureist principles that guided his life.

So, we encourage and hope that you help us celebrate the revolutionary life of Pan-Africanist Kwame Ture. We are clear that Kwame touched many lives. He belongs to the African masses. In celebrating Kwame’s life, we are not just celebrating Kwame, we are celebrating the unbridled and relentless generational struggles of our People in Africa and throughout the African world for liberty, unity, justice, prosperity, and peace. We not only pay homage to his revolutionary past, it is now our responsibility to inherit, to continue and to prepare for our revolutionary future. African Students Are the Spark!

[1] Kwame Nkrumah. The Handbook of Revolutionary Warfare: Strategy, Tactics and Techniques. P. 88

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The Structural and Violent Implications of Sanctions

US & Western Imposed Sanctions are Illegal & Crimes Against Humanity!

End the US & Western Imposed Sanctions on Africa, Latin-America and the World!

Participants discuss the current and historical implications of US & Western imposed sanctions on Cuba, Eritrea, Venezuela & Zimbabwe
Posted in African Revolution, Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Conference, for Democracy and against Neoliberalism., Cuba, Eritrea, Human Rights, Sanctions, Venezuela, Zimbabwe | Comments Off on The Structural and Violent Implications of Sanctions

A-APRP (GC) Birthday Cookout for Bob Brown

A-APRP (GC) Birthday Cookout for Bob Brown

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC), its DC and MD, NC, NJ, OH, OK, VA and other Chapters in Africa and throughout the African Diaspora invite you to join us (onsite and/or online) from 3 pm to 9 pm EST on Sunday, 5 June 2022 for our backyard, birthday cookout for Bob Brown. We celebrate his 74th birthday and 68years of participation in The Movement (22 October 1963-2022).

The A-APRP (GC) birthday cookout for Bob will be live-streamed from:

  • 3pm to 7pm EST – By Africa On The Move, Blog Talk Radio. You can join Bob, the A-APRP (GC), AOTM from wherever you are in Africa, the African Diaspora, and the World onsite or online by dialing in at:  323-679-0841 or go online at:  BlogTalkRadio. There will be no call ins from 6 -7 pm EST. You my stay on by phone only and listen in to the program. – for more details.
  • 6pm to 9pm EST – By Perfect Image (Zoom, YouTube and other online platforms). You can join us by clicking on the link (YouTube Zoom Chat).

Please contact the A-APRP(GC) at +1 202) 246-4896 or email us at: paia@a-aprp-gc.org regarding your and/or your organization’s brief message.

The Official Program and Schedule will be posted on the A-APRP (GC) website. This birthday cookout is endorsed and supported by GC’s Cadre, Supporters and Allies, and the Brown and Green Families. See the initial and incomplete list below:

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Honoring Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Toure & Kwame Ture




The A-APRP (GC) is fortunate to have as our Ideological forebears, the immortal Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure, and Kwame Ture. These brothers, the Pan-African Champions that they are, struggled exclusively for the Pan-African objectives. They are the ideological foundation on which the A-APRP (GC) is built.

On the question of Pan-Africanism, the total liberation and unification of the African continent, including all her islands is/must be the primary objective of all Pan-Africanist throughout the world, under an all-African socialist government. It is an objective that once it is achieved will significantly and profoundly re-image the people of Africa for the better. Our comrades Kwame Ture, Sekou Toure, and Kwame Nkrumah, understood that this Pan-African objective could only be achieved through the struggle or more precisely through the African Revolution.

They knew our enemies including the forces of capitalism, imperialism, zionism, and its many lapdogs and Neo-colonial assets would wage a life and death struggle to keep the labor and resources they have stolen from Africa and her people. They contemplate the necessity of solidarity and allied struggles with the other oppressed people of the world.

This Iconoclast ideological leadership of the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC): Kwame Ture, Sekou Toure, and Kwame Nkrumah, profound strugglers for true Pan-Africanism were conscious of the contradictions that we face as a people. They were especially conscious of the issues that have kept our sisters out of this iconoclast. We, using Nkrumah’s, Sekou’s, and Kwame’s forward-looking ideas, are struggling to immediately rectify these contradictions. Ture, Toure, and Nkrumah all have in common the understanding that the ultimate solution to all the problems that we face as a people is Pan-Africanism under scientific socialism, struggling hand in hand with our sisters.

Any other proposed goals of our struggle currently except Pan-Africanism under scientific socialism are just a criminal waste of our and our people’s time. These comrades taught us there should never, ever be any compromise where principles are involved; and, the importance of serving, suffering, and sacrificing for the liberation of Africa and the suffering humanity.

Honor & Commemorate, Study & Practice the Revolutionary Theory & Practice of Nkrumahism-Toureism!

Organize! Organize! Organize!

Build the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party World-Wide!

Click Here to Join, Support, Help Build the A-APRP (GC)

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Honor, Commemorate, and Emulate Malcolm X

Unleashing an Offensive of 64 Years of African Liberation Day & Palestine (Nakba) Day:

Intensifying the Revolutionary Struggle Against Capitalism & Imperialism, Zionism & Neo-Colonialism; Forward to Pan-Africanism – One Unified Socialist Africa

May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965

Honor, Commemorate, and Emulate Malcolm X

Malcolm Little was born May 19, 1925, to a mother and father who were both militant organizers of the Universal Improvement Association—African Communities League (UNIA-ACL). Malcolm recalled attending meetings with his father where he, as a child, originally was introduced to the concept “Black” nationalism, African identity and the African Diaspora’s relationship to Africa and to the importance of organization.

The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC) honors Malcolm X because he validates, in both theory and practice, the role of ideology in creating the new man and woman in our revolutionary struggle. American racist-capitalism took the son of a family of UNIA-ACL members, who were teaching their children by example, to educate and organize our People about Africa at the mass level and transformed Malcolm Little, a brilliant student, into a street guy, Detroit Red, who sold dope, engaged in robberies and burglaries, pimped women and in general was a hustler and parasite on the African masses and other working People. 

The ethical and moral transformation of Malcolm Little to Detroit Red, is like so many of African youth today worldwide. Like so many of African youth today; they too are incarcerated and systematically transformed into human beings that reflect the most vicious and vile values and ethics of racist-capitalism, imperialism and neo-colonialism in every corner of the globe. Because capitalism is a system of corruption, it teaches our youth that corruption is a correct and just way of life. African youth therefore becomes a commodity, a slave in and for the Mass Incarceration, Corporate, Contract, Military, and Prison Repression Complex where those who make the laws buy stock in companies that service local jails, state and federal prisons and international internment camps, who house and own and exploit our youth, and who profit off of there being incarcerated. Malcolm X is to be emulated because African youth must be transformed ideologically into dedicated and committed African revolutionaries as was Malcolm X.

It was in prison that Detroit Red was transformed more closely ideologically to what he was introduced to as a child through the Nation of Islam (NOI) under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Nation of Islam was a catalyst in re-awakening Malcolm’s earlier introduction to “Black nationalism” that would lead to the birth of Malcolm X. Malcolm X was born in the Nation of Islam. It was Malcolm’s re-awakening and search for truth and for the emancipation of African people worldwide that on March 8, 1964 he transitioned out of the Nation of Islam and would later in his short life inspire him, while in Ghana, to found the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU) and solidify ideological and organizational ties in Africa and around the world.

At the founding rally of the OAAU, Malcolm X explained, “So the purpose of the Organization Afro-American Unity is to unite everyone in the Western Hemisphere of African descent into one united force. And then, once we are united among ourselves in the Western Hemisphere, we will unite with our brothers on the motherland, on the continent of Africa.”[1]

We honor, commemorate and advocate that our youth emulate Malcolm X because Malcolm X came to the realization of the following truths: 

  • All people of African descent are Africans and must be organized as such
  • African women must be emancipated and play a critical role in Revolution
  • Capitalism and imperialism must be destroyed if African people were to be free
  • Revolution was the only path to freedom, reforming capitalism was not an option for our freedom
  • Africans must belong in all-African organizations; other nationalities can support, but they cannot join
  • Africans must be in solidarity with Palestine and opposed to zionism,
  • There is harmony between Religion and Revolution
  • Africans in the Diaspora must unite with Africans in Africa and fight for Pan-Africanism
  • The ideological family takes primacy in regard to the biological family

Because of Malcolm X developed politically and ideologically into an uncompromising Pan-Africanist building relation with Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure, Gamal Abdel Nasser, Fidel Castro and other progressive and revolutionary forces he was assassinated, February 21, 1965, by the U.S government, in its COINTEL-PRO Black Nationalist Program. COINTEL-PRO was a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) program that was used to halt his progress and accomplishments in his efforts to organize for Pan-Africanism. His murder was during a time that American imperialism was at war with world humanity and killing off key leadership worldwide. Malcolm X knew when his time was near, but never wavered in his commitment to suffer, serve and sacrifice for the masses of our People until death and as a result of his revolutionary contributions to the struggle for Pan-Africanism, we commemorate and honor him.

[1] Founding Rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity. https://www.black past.org

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Honor, Commemorate, and Emulate Ho Chi Minh (“Uncle Ho”)

Unleashing an Offensive of 64 Years of African Liberation Day & Palestine (Nakba) Day:

Intensifying the Revolutionary Struggle Against Capitalism & Imperialism, Zionism & Neo-Colonialism; Forward to Pan-Africanism – One Unified Socialist Africa 

May 19, 1890 – September 02, 1969

Honor, Commemorate, and Emulate Ho Chi Minh (“Uncle Ho”)

“It is well known that the Black race is the most oppressed and most exploited of the human family. It is well known that the spread of capitalism and the discovery of the New World had as an immediate result the rebirth of slavery which was, for centuries, a scourge for the Negroes and a bitter disgrace for mankind.”[1] Ho Chi Minh

 The All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)’s organized African Liberation Day/Palestine (NAKBA) Day honors and commemorates the revolutionary life of his Excellency Ho Chi Minh, who is also affectionately known as “Uncle Ho”. The A-APRP (GC) is fighting to build a revolutionary mass Pan-Africanist socialist party for Pan-Africanism and we therefore honor all revolutionaries who have fought capitalism, imperialism, zionism, neo-colonialism and the oppression and exploitation of women. Ho Chi Minh was a Marxist-Leninist and socialist and one of those People whose revolutionary contributions to humanity are etched in the chronicles of world history.

Ho Chi Minh was a staunch ally and supporter of the African Revolution, Pan-Africanism and that of all oppressed nations worldwide. “He at one time shared the misery of the proletariat of Africa and America.”[2]  Ho Chi Minh “was deeply interested in the lives of Black people and their struggles for equality. He was one of the first Asian communist leaders to explore the issues facing the Black communities and promote their freedom. . . . It was in Harlem that Ho attended Black activist meetings held by the Universal Negro Improvement Trust, an organization that had been established by the Jamaican Black nationalist Marcus Garvey in 1914.”[3]  Consequently, Ho Chi Minh saw the inter-relationship between the development of capitalism and imperialism, the kidnapping, trafficking and enslavement of African people, the colonization and neo-colonization of Africa and the liberation of African people and that of the liberation of Vietnam. Within a year of the establishment of the People’s Revolutionary Republic of Guinea, under the leadership of the Democratic Party of Guinea (PDG) and President Ahmed Sekou Toure; President Toure, in 1960, visited Vietnam and President Ho Chi Minh and a joint agreement of cooperation and solidarity was signed. The defeat of French, Japanese and U.S. imperialism, by the heroic Vietnamese People, is recorded as one of the greatest contributions to oppressed humanity that the world has ever seen and experienced.

Nguyen Sinh Cung (Ho Chi Minh) was born May 19, 1890 into the family of a nationalist anti-French colonialism father and mother in Nghe Tinh Vietnam, a colony of French imperialism. The village of “Nghe Tinh also had come for many centuries all but a few of the country’s revolutionaries [and was also] the home of insurrections, a school for revolutionaries.”[4] Ho Chi Minh followed the example of his father and grew politically into a Vietnamese nationalist and socialist patriot fighting for the independence of a socialist Vietnam. As a servant of the Vietnamese masses Ho Chi Minh was a founding member of the Indochina Communist Party (1930), the Viet Minh (1941) and was, having won independence, President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) from 1945 to 1969.

It was as a seaman Ho Chi Minh traveled to Africa, the U.S. and England and lived in France from 1915-1917 where he accepted the principles of scientific socialism and Marxism-Leninism. At the young age of 28, Ho Chi Minh presented to international imperialism, led by “the United Kingdom, France, United States and Italy”, at the Versailles Peace Conference, in 1919, his demand that France grant independence to Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was inspired by the defeat of the czar and imperialism in Russia and joined the French Communist Party in 1920. He traveled to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1923. While in the USSR he attended and participated in the Fifth Congress of the Communist International. Because of Ho Chi Minh’s Vietnamese nationalism, he was critical of the French Communist Party for its lack of a serious commitment to national liberation struggles for independence. It was his drive to fight for the liberation of Vietnam that motivated his return to and begin to organize in his Homeland.

In 1924, in Canton (Guangzhou) China, Ho Chi Minh recruited other nationalist organizers and militants, exiled from Vietnam and founded the Vietnam Thanh Nien Cach Menh Dong Chi Hoi (Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association or Thanh Nien. Canton, China became his base and a home of Indochinese nationalism. He and other communist were expelled from China in April, 1927 and he returned to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). From there, in 1928, he went to Brussels and Paris and was the Communist International representative for communist parties in Southeast Asia.

Ho Chi Minh and the cadre of Thanh Nien met in Hong Kong in May 1929 and founded the Indochinese Communist Party (PCI). The founding of the Party in Vietnam was February 3, 1930 as the Vietnamese Communist Party, which later was renamed the Indochinese Communist Party.

Inside of Vietnam an insurrectionary movement unfolded with brutal repression from French imperialism. Ho Chi Minh was sentenced to death in abstention and sought refuge in the USSR. In 1938 Ho Chi Minh returned to China hosted by Mao Tse Tung. With the defeat of France by Germany, Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap and Pham Van Dong re-entered Vietnam in January, 1941 and organized the Viet Nam Doc Lap Dong Minh (League for the Independence of Vietnam or Viet Minh. It was around this same time that Nguyen Sinh Cung began to use the name Ho Chi Minh, “He Who Enlightens”. Seeking assistance from China, Ho Chi Minh, went to China and was arrested by the reactionary government of Chiang Kai-shek. Uncle Ho spent 18 months in prison because of political work and ideological convictions.

In 1945, Japan completely overran Indochina and executed all French colonial officials, which was a victory for Vietnam. French imperialism was in peril. Six months later, committing a crime against humanity, U.S. imperialism dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, August 6 and 9, 1945. Both of Vietnam’s colonial enemies were defeated and in retreat. Vietnamese guerilla warfare against the Japanese continued in South China and guerilla units began their descent in to Hanoi. September 2, 1945 and Vietnam’s independence was proclaimed.

With the defeat of German fascism in France, Charles De Gaulle came to power and refused to recognize the independence of Vietnam from French imperialism. The Vietnamese response was a war of liberation, the First Indochina War December 19, 1946 through August 1, 1954.The Vietnamese Revolution defeated French imperialism on the battlefield and by 1954 most of the countryside was under Viet Minh control and the larger cities were following. French imperialism was crushed at the Dien Bien Phu March 13 through May 7, 1954 and the independence of Vietnam was won. The defeat of French imperialism in Vietnam was not only a victory over French imperialism in Vietnam, but also in Africa and all of France’s colonized countries and territories worldwide.

Strategically, to obtain the independence of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh agreed with the partition of Vietnam at the Geneva Accords with the understanding that an election was to be held and Vietnam unified. U.S. imperialism and neo-colonialism in South Vietnam sabotaged the elections. In 1959, armed action in South Vietnam to reunify Vietnam began by the Vietcong. In July, 1959, Ho Chi Minh’s Lao Dong (Worker’s Party) concluded that the development of socialism in North Vietnam was organically linked with unification of South Vietnam. The revolutionary forces in North and South Vietnam were united on the question of unification.

U.S. imperialism was arrogant and had no idea what it would face by attempting to replace French imperialism in Vietnam. U.S. imperialism had not tasted and swallowed the bitter pill that French imperialism tasted and ingested at Dien Bien Phu. U.S. imperialism would have its victories that would bolster its belief that it was undefeatable.

February 24, 1966 President Kwame Nkrumah was a victim of the aggression of U.S. imperialism while expressing the African Personality in solidarity with the Vietnamese Revolution. The Convention People’s Party and President Nkrumah where overthrown by a coup de ’tat orchestrated by U.S. imperialism, through the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). “When the action took place, I was on my way to Hanoi, at the invitation of President Ho Chi Minh, with proposals for ending the war in Vietnam.”[5]  The war in Vietnam continued and the heroic Vietnamese people intensified their revolutionary war against U.S. imperialism. Victory of the Vietnamese Revolution was near!

It was near the end of the U.S. imperialism’s military aggression against Vietnam when Uncle Ho explained U.S. imperialism’s inevitable defeat,

“Johnson and his clique should realize this: they may bring in a half million, a million, or even more troops to step up their war of aggression in South Viet Nam. They may use thousands of aircraft for intensified attacks against North Vietnam. But never will they be able to break the iron will of the heroic Vietnamese people, their determination to fight against American aggression, for national salvation. The more truculent they grow, the more serious their crimes. The war may last five, ten, twenty or more years: Hanoi, Haiphong and other cities and enterprises may be destroyed; but the Vietnamese people will not be intimidated! Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom. Once victory is won, our people will rebuild their country and make it even more prosperous and beautiful.”[6] The Tet Offensive would be U.S. imperialism’s Dien Bien Phu, which witnessed the U.S. put its tail between its legs and run for its life.

In 1967 Kwame Ture was invited to participate in the Conference of the Organization of Latin American Solidarity (OLAS) convened in Havana, Cuba. U.S. imperialism had reported that Kwame’s passport would be seized upon his return to the U.S. because of his denunciation of U.S. capitalism and imperialism. Kwame made the decision to travel internationally before his return to the U.S. and by invitation visited Vietnam.

“I was overwhelmed, couldn’t really believe it that Ho Chi Minh was inviting me to lunch. . . . That’s when he told me the he’d been in Harlem during the time of the young Garvey. That he had thought Garvey to be a great man. That’ he’d heard Garvey speak and had even once made a modest financial contribution to the Garvey movement.

So we went on to discuss other matters, then he suddenly leaned closer and asked, ‘When are you African-Americans going to repatriate to Africa?’ I froze completely. Never forgot it. . . . Ho Chi Minh was a great man. He clarified many things for me. He had a real appreciation of our struggle in America”[7]

The Vietnamese Revolution set a sterling example of the power of the organized Masses when politically educated and organized. The Vietnamese people crushed U.S. imperialism. The U.S. was run out of Vietnam during the Tet Offensive, January 31 through September 23, 1968, which laid the basis for the total and complete withdrawal of U.S. imperialism from Vietnam March 29, 1973.  Vietnam was reunified. Uncle Ho had transitioned to the revolutionary ancestors September 2, 1969. He never saw a liberated and unified Vietnam, but his revolutionary legacy lives for eternity!

We honor and commemorate Uncle Ho for his sterling revolutionary example and unwavering commitment to the defeat of imperialism, neo-colonialism, the emancipation of women and the development of scientific socialism and for his solidarity with revolutionary movements and Peoples, particularly for Africa and the African Diaspora, but worldwide.




[1] Bernard B. Fall. Ed. Ho Chi Minh On Revolution-Selected Writings, 1920-66: Lynching. (Printed in La Correspondance Internationale, No. 59, 1924) P. 43

[2] Jean Lacouture. Ho Chi Minh: A Political Biography: The Peasant. P. 4

[3] Joe Pateman. Critical Asian Studies. Under imperialism “Black lives don’t matter. Ho Chi Minh, The Black Race, and Black Liberation. September 8, 2021. www.cyberhood.net/documents/book_review/HCM2021.pdf

[4] Jean Lacouture. Ho Chi Minh: A Political Biography: The Peasant. P. 7

[5] Kwame Nkrumah. Dark Days In Ghana: Peking to Conakry. P. 9

[6] Ho Chi Minh. Selected Writings (1920-1969): Appeal To Compatriots And Fighters Throughout The Country (July 17, 1966). P. 306

[7] Stokely Carmichael with Ekwueme Michael Thelwell. Ready For Revolution: The Life and Struggles of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture) P. 600-601

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ALD/PD May 2022 Events & Program Links


African Liberation Day/Palestine (Nakba) Day 2022

Month Long Schedule of Events & Program Links

Saturday, May 7, 2022 – 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘Honoring the 64 Year Pan-Africanist History of African Liberation Day’

Sunday, May 8, 2022 – 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘A Mother’s Day Tribute to MOMS Worldwide’

Saturday, May 14, 2022 – 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘Generations of Resistance, Rebellion and Revolution:  We Demand the Right to Return to Palestine, Africa, and All Indigenous Lands’

Sunday, May 15, 2022 – 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘One Palestine, People, One Struggle!’

Tuesday, May 17, 2022




Thursday, May 19, 2022

Honor, Commemorate, and Emulate Malcolm X

Honor, Commemorate, and Emulate Ho Chi Minh

Sunday, May 22, 2022 – 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘The Role of Women in Revolution Today!’

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 – 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘Pan-Africanism Yes! US Africom and NATO No!  US out of Africa, Guantanamo (Cuba) and Shannon Airport (Ireland) and the Movements to Free Political Prisoners’

Wednesday, May 25, 2022 – 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘ALD 1976: The Pan-Africanist Reclamation of African Liberation Day’

Thursday, May 26, 2022 – 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘Students & Youth Are the Spark, The Role of Students & Youth in Revolution’

Friday, May 27, 2022 – 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘Pan-Africanism & Socialism in the 21 Century: Moving Forward Ever’

Saturday, May 28, 2022 – 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM EST.

Theme: “64 Years of African Liberation Day, 74 Years of Palestine (Nakba) Day’

Monday, May 30, 2022 – Video Launch

Theme:  A-APRP (GC)‘s Video History of our Work to Institutionalize African Liberation Day

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 – 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM EST.

Theme: ‘Unleashing an Offensive of 64 YEARS of African Liberation Day:  Intensifying the Revolutionary Struggle Against Capitalism & Imperialism, Zionism & Neo-Colonialism; Forward to Pan-Africanism – One Unified Socialist Africa’  

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