See also:
A-APRP (GC) Congratulates Cuba on the 56th Anniversary of Its Revolution …
Message From the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the People re the Cuban Five …
A-APRP (GC) Message to the Cuban Five …
Sister/Comrade Assata,
On the occasion of the December 2014 US government release of the last three of the “5” Cuban heroes and the accompanying escalation in the demand for your return to the persecution and torture of the racist, criminal US “injustice” system, the All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC), reaffirms our support of your heroic contributions to the revolutionary struggle for freedom, justice, equality, peace, Pan-Africanism, and socialism. Your courageous, consistent and historic work with the Black Panther Party, the Black Liberation Army and the Cuban Revolution, and your proven ability to inspire, motivate and activate a new generation of youth and women of all ages, as evidenced by the pervasive usage of your image and words and the uplifting of your name in current protests against police and government repression sweeping the US, are testament of the enduring value of your work and life-long service, sacrifice and suffering.
In your honor, we salute the Revolutionary Government of Cuba and defend its right and position articulated through Dr. Josefina Vidal Ferreiro, Director, North American Division, Cuban Ministry of Foreign Relations, to “grant political asylum to people it considers to have been persecuted“ and for exercising its right by reaffirming its Revolutionary commitment to protect you. Cuba has legitimately granted your asylum from the racist, criminal US “injustice” system despite contrary demands from fascists New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, the New Jersey State Fraternal Police Association and Acting New Jersey Attorney General John Hoffman.
History will record your place among the numerous women of the world who have made tremendous contributions to the struggle to achieve liberation, peace, Pan-Africanism and scientific socialism such as Yaa Asantewaa, M’balia Camara, Nanny of the Maroons, Anna J. Cooper, Lolita Lebron, Anna Mae Aquash, Leila Khaled, Dalal Mughrabi, Mariana Grajales Coello, Dolores Ibarruri, Rosa Luxemburg, Constance de Markievicz, Vilma Espin, et al. Your courage and tenacity have exalted your status to one of the eternal warriors who sacrificed their own comfort and security to fight for the liberation of all oppressed peoples.
In Revolutionary Solidarity,
All-African People’s Revolutionary Party (GC)
Free All Prisoners of Conscience, Political Prisoners and Prisoners of Wars!
Smash the Repression-Industrial Complex!
Smash the International Police-Military-Prison-Industrial Complex!
Smash the Illegal, Immoral and Racist Embargoes and Blockades on Cuba and other Countries!
Hands off Assata, or the “Sky if the Limit!”
December 29, 2014
See also:
A-APRP (GC) Congratulates Cuba on the 56th Anniversary of Its Revolution …
Message From the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the People re the Cuban Five …